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Everything posted by bigtrev503

  1. Just read this page. "This is most probably due to the damage to the ear moulds caused by over 50 sets of ears being vac formed from the moulds used. Remember the Hero helmets were made some weeks after the Stunt helmets." http://www.starwarshelmets.com/original-ANH-hero-Stormtrooper-armor-helmets.htm As for my inquiry... Could I pass EIB/Centurion with these extra teeth?
  2. K, I"ve sharpened up the lines on all the black, especially the ears. They look really good. I'm really considering leaving the fourth tooth the way it is
  3. The screencaps I've been looking at all day show a slight, slight impression of that fourth tooth. Remember the hero helmets had three bumps because the molds were damaged from making fifty stunts before the heroes were made. Therefore, in the heros, a little of that fourth bump remains. Just a little. I know mine are really pronounced, especially on the right side.
  4. I have this ATA helmet I've been working on for what seems like forever. I want to paint over the extra bumps and just leave them there. Is that passable? I know it's stongly encouraged, but is it absolutely detrimental to my approval? Here's my proposed paint plan. I hope you can see the line, it's faint
  5. Is this your progress before or after the sanding part? So, I'm wondering if I can just gemtly push them 'most of the way out' and have that be good enough? There will be paint covering most of it anyway... Also, speaking of paint, how is mine looking? Is there anywhere I shoud fix before doing the grey?
  6. Here's the progress so far. Any feedback would be good. I am wondering what would be the best way to clean up the edges. Any tips on that?
  7. Damn, that is very nice. I"m going to try something like that
  8. Yeah, I've noticed that too! When you click 'load more topics' it just takes the stuff you already read and stacks it back on top
  9. Oooh, that is a really good idea! I think I'll try it
  10. Well, that's good to know! The snap tool came with four silver snaps and all the rest I have are brassy. I'll use the brassy ones all over the inside where no one can see and use three of the four silver ones for the butt and side. Thank you!
  11. Took a long hard look at the heros on starwarshelmets.com and noticed that the aerator/mic tip/ whatever they're called are black on the inside down to the circular nipple lookin part. I painted the first layer of black on and painted down to the where it looks like theblack stops on the originals. Nifty little hero detail I didn't notice until now. And here's the link to the originals that led me to this conclusion: http://www.starwarshelmets.com/original-ANH-hero-Stormtrooper-armor-helmets.htm
  12. Ok, I have an ATA helmet and am hand painting everything except for the tube stripes. I have pandatrooper's tutorial open, but he's painting a stunt, and I'm going for hero. The obvious differences are that the ears have three bumps, and the frown has three holes. I am wondering about the black on the mic tips. They seem to be more fully painted on heros than stunts. I think the heros had the original mic tips and the stunts had painted casts of them. How should I paint my mic tips to make them as hero-like as possible? Another BIG question is for the ones out there who use a heat sealing iron. I have one and was going to do the thigh top mod, but decided against it. Can I use it to soften the extra, uncut tooth bumps on the frown? Maybe just warm them from behind and gently push them out? Thanks for your advice and help, guys. I am in the home stretch and I can see the light at the end!! Photos will be posted later once I get brave enough to do something. I've been shaking this paint pot for an hour!
  13. I found some nice glove liners from REI and it seems they're meant for this kind of function
  14. I know the split rivets are brass but I wasn't sure about the male snap on the top right corner of the kidney plate. Silver or brass?
  15. Yeah, I totally just put in six webbing plates on my kidney and butt with no clamps and there was no heat. I touched it every half hour for a few hours.
  16. So, to clarify, when I drill the two butt holes (hehe) and the right side kidney to ab hole for male snaps to be exposed, they should all three be silver?
  17. With all this pestering, my suit is going to be FREAKISHLY accurate haha. THanks for that unexpected answer. Any reference images that support this theory? NOTE: I am going for ANH hero. Han's suit specifically.
  18. Hi, all. Sorry for posting so much lately, but this has somehow turned into a super speed build! Anyway, my dritz snap tool came with four brass colored snaps. I have set these ones aside so tha ti could ask the forum whether the exposed snaps on the butt and side of kidney should be silver or brassy to match the split rivets. Any advice is good advice!
  19. All right, so as long as I make a half an effort to just put the glue on the webbing and avoid the metal back of the snap I should be all right?
  20. I have made a bunch of snap plates with black nylon webbing. I want to glue them into my armor today and I have only seen about 1.5 members here express a high level of concern about the melting reaction. 98% of what I've read says I can go ahead and glue them right in and any melting that MAY occur will not be visible from the outside. Opinions?\ Furthermore, I have done extensive googling about E-6000 and heat. Nothing comes up anywhere about it melting plastic. I have a 2mm ABS ATA kit. Can I glue my plates in already or do I really need to put a little piece of tape over the backs of each snap?
  21. Yeah, and I'm in the US. I have a man working on my batman boots. Making them fit me better. I called him yesterday as he runs a small shoe repair shop. He said He most likely has them. I am going to send him pictures in hopes he has them at his shop
  22. Well, I went to the hardware store and asked for split rivets and they just looked at me like I was crazy. Where do I find the accurate rivets for the left side, right thigh, and crotch?
  23. So the only difference is time consumption? Because at this time, I'm rich with free time and not so much with money... Literally the only things to be bent are the thigh pack and the belt. I'll give a whack at the blow dryer... we'll see how that goes.
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