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Everything posted by bigtrev503

  1. I laughed hard at this one. I know this is ooooold, but seriously. You can see wahat happens if you accdentally add an extra s to the word as Starts to melt as you pour vs starts to melt an impolite person you pour. I love the auto-profanity-correct lol
  2. I need to get that nice heat bend in my belt and thigh ammo belt. I am wondering if I use the paint stick method created by Pandatrooper using the blow dryer, an ove glove, and a lot of patience. Will it work, you think? I don't think the blow dryer works for bigger heat-bending needs like reshaping a sniper plate (I tried) or reshaping a kidney.
  3. sweet! Thank you! ANd that's it for the ANH hero?
  4. Hi guys. Iam at the point in my build where there's nothing left to glue. All butt joins and cover strips are applied to limbs. I have come to the body i.e: Chest, ab, back, kidney, butt. I've already made the trip to the fabric store for all webbing, elastic, snaps and snap tool. I have to pay for the bus to get out and buy stuff, therefore I want to know EXACTLY which and how many rivets to get, to avoid making multiple trips. I was hoping we could start a thread about rivets, so members who are building can make a one stop shop list. Every suit has different rivet requirements. Mine is an ATA ANH hero. I understand I need six brass split rivets for the left side ab and kidney, WHat size? I need two for the knee belt. What size? Belt: Which and how many should I get for the canvas to plastic connection can I use regular rivets since no one sees these? I know I need four to connect the holster instead of the two for stunt, what size and kind? Any others I have forgotten would be good too. If I can get a comprehensive list, I can start drilling holes and placing rivets!
  5. Thanks for the warm responses, all. Here is the helmet with ear #2 on the other side. I think it came out ok. Just my luck, the right one went on a lot easier than the left. Something to remember for you building this right now!
  6. Ok guys, I screwed this one in and it sits wonky but with some fine tuning, it could be decent. Any suggestions would be great as to how to tighten them up a bit. If one of you could use your handy dandy photoshop skills to help me visualize what I need to do. If you need more pics or different angles, just let me know!
  7. Thanks a lot you guys! Today will be all about the ears, and I will post updates when I get them closer.
  8. Thank you Bennett for that glimmer of hope. I know my garrison mate who recently finished the same helmet told me "You're not gonna get it just right in one sitting!" This is true. I work on it for about a half hour a day and then "explitive this until tomorrow." Maybe if I walk away I can resist throwing the helmet across the parking lot until tomorrow.
  9. Yes, my helmet cam ewith two sets of ears and I started on only the right (when looking straight at the helmet) ear and messed both of them up! This is truly frustrating and discouraging. I feel like I can't do it. I already messed up two ears and everyone else gets it pretty close. I suck lol I have an intact, untrimmed ear for the other side, so I'm gonna go ahead and order just the ear I messed up (twice) and just work on the strapping of the suit until it gets here. I just want my ears to be decent, and I feel like the ones I did are beyond saving. Maybe I can pay someone to do the ears for me. I'm gonna solicit my local garrison mates to see if they'll do it for a fee.
  10. Can I see some of your gappy helmets? It might provide some encouragement
  11. OP updated with pictures. Also, again, does ATA still have the same email address?
  12. I know ears are the hardest part, I followed all the instructions very carefully, I trimmed exactly 1/4 inch from the mold line and I still completely messed it up. Twice! Two right ears down the hole, I might be able to make the front look just ok but the back will have a huge gap showing the seam line for the two halves. I really wish these came partially trimmed or something. Does everyone agree the ears are absolutely the hardest part?
  13. I recently visited a fellow trooper and he helped me finally get the two halves screwed together. He had a helmet exactly like mine that he had just finished, and his ears came out perfect. He was nice enough to let me borrow his dremel, so I could trim the ears myself. Aaaaand I think I cut too much off. I tried so hard. I spent days on them, and they still never went on correctly. This means it's not the task, it's my ability to do it. I'm quite upset and frustrated right now and was wondering if ATA still has the same email address. I can attempt to take pictures and maybe you guys can help me. Here's the right side Here's the front Here's the left side I am working on Here's the first one I attempted and gave up on then went back to in hopes it was salvageable front back Here's the one I started after I thought the first one was toast front and back (ugly!!!!) Luckily I have an untouched one from the opposite side so if I do have to replace the ear, I can only replace one and not a set
  14. Thank you all for the words of encouragement!!! I have been in contact with my local garrison since before I joined this forum and am currently in the process of trying to organize an armor party. You guys have been very supportive and I appreciate it!! Thanks bunches and look forward to seeing this kit finished in the next month or so!!
  15. OK I have gotten absolutely frustrated to the max extreme!!!!!!!! I can't push any further, I don't have enough magnets and they're expensive as heck. I don't have any power tools or access to them. I have almost reached the point of throwing this hyper expensive box of plastic out the window. I am just stuck. Any local dudes out there in the Portland, OR area? I have reached my wits end and you , the 501st, are my only hope!! Plz message me on here or on the cloud city garrison forum. PLZ!! Thanks you guys!!
  16. Latest progress: Thighs built and test fitted. They fit great at 20mm front and back! A tiny bit snug though. These are a little risque, so cover your children's eyes... the thighs fit great!!
  17. Yes, but they're so darn expensive! And then comes the headache of figuring out the best way to attach the guards to the gloves and yada yada. Plus, the cheap ones I saw on ebay have been said to bleed all over the place. Of all the parts of this build, the gloves have given me the most trouble!
  18. Isn't that the dang truth! I will be taking an overall test fit and post it up soon. Just waiting for a little more info from Dashrazor about the shin backs. That's where I'll start! You think this will work to glue my rubber hand guards to my chemical gloves? Or would gorilla work better? I have both.
  19. Honestly, I think I may be thinking too hard about this. I have been looking around at pictures and screencaps. I have been considering the fact that the original suit was ONE size and different actors fit them different ways. I have seen plenty of evidence that I should just leave everything with it's "screen accurate" measurements i.e: 15mm arms 20mm legs. 25mm shin backs. This site http://ejpacific.wordpress.com/ is what confirmed the fit for me. This guy's ab/kidney fit looks just like mine when I put it on and he looks fine. Notice the space between his body and the ab plate on the sides. This was the concern for me. This is not me or my armor. It is an ATA kit, like mine though.
  20. Silk gloves under your rubber gloves? Do you find it to be more effective than the cotton liners?
  21. So I should cut from the inner parts of the forearms? I'm confused.
  22. Here is my build thread. The arm test fit pics are at the bottom of the first post http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=19562
  23. Exactly! I thought I was the perfect size. Now, I'm not sure. Maybe I'm thinking too much. Should I post pictures here in this thread once I have everything taped up and ask opinions first?
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