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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Arnie_DK

  1. Have been dealing with TM twice and what a service he provides. First time when I ordered my complete armour I was deployed so we agreed to "delay" it until I was home and able to collect it. Otherwise it would have been done in about a month time. Second time I got two helmet kits from him, and it arrived withing 2-3 weeks time. Great service. Great armour. Great guy. Cant go wrong with TM
  2. Why have you weathered the T-tracks? They are supposed to be made of black plastic(or rubber, depending on who you ask). Otherwise nice build
  3. If you were going to throw money in JR's direction, might I sugest that you look into TM instead? Its better and cheaper
  4. I've been told that theese guys may be using Pirate Troopers old molds for this armour.
  5. Nope. Just say they have some, but not if they made them themselves. And I want to correct a mistake i made. They are not a part of Shadow Legion, just work closely together with them. Also the trooper Decals they are selling look veryfamiliar. I believe they are from trooperbay.
  6. One of the members of Nordic Garrison stumbled across this the other day and I wanted to share it with you, for a proper inspection. -------- Its being offered from some guys from Shadow Legion which is a Danish group, kinda like 501st, but they are not doing it for charity and they dont have the same costume standars as us. Some of the parts look like the way TM does his armour, but this could be a coincidence. They are charging 4000 danish Kroner (roughly 435£ or 700$) for the plastic to vacu form this armour and helmet, and then offer the vacu forming for free if you buy the plastic from them. So in theory you aint buying armour, just plastic pieces and then vacu forming it yourself...in theory. Sounds a bit shady to me, but I could be mistaken.
  7. Same story for me. Plastic and snaps glued with E6000 not a problem
  8. Arnie_DK

    My tats

    No need to say what have already been said, so I'll just post this smiley instead.
  9. DAMN! That Awesomazing!! I'd say give just a tiny bit of wathering here and there, but otherwise ceep it clean. The bipods could get a bit heavier weathering though
  10. Whats ironic is that the box in the belt feed should be made of wood and the rest of the gun should be metal hehe
  11. If I could I would troop with a converted Sterling, but just getting a deactivated one is close to impossible. So I troop with my modified MR E-11. Closest thing I get, but still being legal
  12. Thats allright mate. Its easy to get carried away and write something you didnt intend to on a forum. Also why I didnt freak out right away, but gave a "friendly hint" But good luck with your RT
  13. Well Ian, I guess you and I are just dumb and lazy for making a rookie mistake back then...shame on us for being unaware...
  14. I use the hooks as well and love it. Dont have the rotating problem, but my Biceps and Forearms are connected with elastic, so Thats probably why they dont rotate.
  15. Love the design! I would definetly want one or two of those And I like it as is. two troopers is good I think. Three is one to many. Two makes a buddy team
  16. Thats the reason this thread was made Glad it helps
  17. Have to agree on the arms and legs. It leaves a huge gap with the velcro there. Unless its absolute nessesary for you I would remove it as Locitus advised. Otherwise I think the suit looks great The loading handle on the E-11 is on the wrong way though
  18. And to prove my point, look at the pics in theese links ----------
  19. Well they may have changed the bodysuit, but it looks like the same I got with the armour, and the holster and neckseal are the same. They even have the crappy E-11 in the holster. But the undersuit I got was very poorly sewn nd would fall apart in the seams. And I didnt like the velcro at the top, but thats just me
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