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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by Troopacoola

  1. I think I have a fix http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?/topic/39502-Charging-handle-remedy? Marc
  2. Ok, so I know many e11s suffer during troops, especially the charging handle breaking off. I have been pondering this issue for a while now and seeing as I have just begun another Doopy's build, which is for my son as a Christmas present,I thought I would take the opportunity to see if I could find a solution. First off was to drill out a small hole in the base and then begin to make a slot in the rear part of the bolt Next was to thread an elastic band through a small brass tube rivet, crimp the rivet, apply a little ca glue and then trim the excess band Once dry the band and rivet were glued into the hole in the handle The next job was to attach another tube rivet on the underside of rear bolt section, and feed the handle assembley through the bolt and rivet. Once done I then crimped the second rivet and trimmed the excess band. which left me with this. As you can see, this gives the handle the ability to move about a little, and return to its original position, which hopefully means that if it gets a knock, or when holstered it won't snap off! Thoughts? Marc
  3. Like father like son. The boys birthday present on the right. Another RWA lid. All I have to do now is try and get his Doopy's done in time for xmas #notgonnahappen Marc
  4. It can take upto a couple of months. It's obviously a quicker turn around here in the uk.I did however get a confirmation email once I had placed my order. Marc
  5. Belt from Clive arrived today. Fitted to belt via reivets and snaps, with center of rivet being 20mm in from the edge of ammo belt and 15mm from bottom. Not far off now! Marc
  6. I think every garrison has their own set of standards. For example, if you put a WIP on FISD, anyone can chime in. Which is fantastic and makes it a more social thread. However, it can have the potential of getting some bad advice, and ultimately lead to some inaccuracies. On the UKG, For both e11 builds and tk builds you are assigned an armourer. You still have to do your WIP threads, but only your approved armourer can post comments. Thus eliminating getting bad advice. I have had it confirmed that you need an e11 to get armour cleared on the UKG. Marc
  7. Initially it was on the provided strapping and hung around my neck. Next is to test it velcrod to the chest plate Marc
  8. Yes, but if you're using the original method of the strapping system (which is authentic) for the sake of a couple of rivets, why not go the whole hog [emoji6] Marc
  9. Ok, drop boxes need pop rivets. In terms of rs I'm sure that they will be in touch Marc
  10. Yeah, just waiting on my holster and then I can put in for clearance! Been a long journey since my FX rebuild. Which, my son has inherited and loves. His new lid kit arrived today (which means losing that oversized fx bucket) so he will be embarking on his first building experience in a couple of weeks!Ignore the wire from my mic as I have fixed my wireless system since! Marc
  11. Rivets painted and det drying with 12mm gaps between caps an plate. Marc
  12. Looking good. Remember that if you are going to sand further, then focus on sanding the areas down which are already touching the lid. This will reduce the gaps you have and pull the ears in .for a tighter fit. Gaps are good, screen accurate! Marc
  13. A quick suit up ready for tonight which gives me the opportunity to see how if fairs Pumpkin done Happy Halloween!! Marc
  14. Hello. It is correct that you leave that uncut tooth white. Regards Marc My Wips... http://www.ukgarrison.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=61082 http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?/topic/38021-CTID's-RWA-ANH-Stunt-WIP......-501st-Here-we-go! http://www.ukgarrison.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=60937 http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?/topic/38731-CTID's-Doopy's-E-11-Build
  15. Nice work mate. I've been thinking about the amount of times you hear of this issue happening. I'm pretty sure there would be a way to prevent this happening. Because it's rigid when in place, I wonder whether it would be possible to fit it to some form of spring type set up, which would just flex about if it took a hit. Mmmm.... I dunno, but would love to hear from anyone who has resolved this. Marc
  16. Cheers Kev. My boy has been urging me to get on with it and finish it already, ever since he visited his old school kitted up in his tk. So I think we may be on guard at the gate ready for the trick or treaters.Gutted for you mate. His Christmas present turned up the other day, so I've got the pleasure of another blaster build! Marc
  17. Cheers mate. I'm not too far off now and would love to be done for Halloween! I've got a couple of straps to swap out on the main torso and then it's ready for fine tuning the fitting. I'm onto the rear closures of the calf and want to use elastic. I'm a little concerned about getting them to close well, yet have enough elasticity to clip and unclip the into place. I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and go for it! Marc
  18. That's the thing... loads of advice, which is always appreciated. But what are the correct methods? I mean, I installed bicep clips (which as far as I'm aware ) is acceptable here for both stunt and hero builds, but only for hero in my Garrison (correct me if I'm wrong). It's not a big issue, but could potentially be an expensive mistake. Could do with some help with the rear calfs though I'm going with the bra clips [emoji2] Marc
  19. I'm using 6mm single cap rivets, and finally managed to fit them. I'll post a pic tomorrow [emoji106] Marc
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