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Femtrooper Julie

501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Femtrooper Julie

  1. Still planning Manny! Was going to firm it up and see if the outpost wanted to swing by. You guys might be able to get some new recruits!
  2. i am actually pretty good on the board. I teach surfing for the Navy as part of my job I don't think I could get up on the board in armor, just too slippery..maybe a soft top paddle board would work. I'll see what I can do! I did find a few T-shirts I like to wear around!
  3. Hey, great ideas Rogue! Thank you! This is mainly young Enlisted guys who don't have a ton of extra cash. Wookie roar and things that are free are great! I am still in the planning phase CT9926, it's not for today. I am working, but today I am in football jersey costume instead of white armor! I am a big supporter of the military, and love helping to take care of these guys. People might think it is not so bad being stationed in Hawaii, and sure, it is not Iraq, but it is still a long ways from home and loved ones for these guys. Since everything is so expensive, they have a tendency just to sit in the barracks and not get out. We give them fun things to do for free. Julie
  4. I was going to throw this out there and see what people thought, I respect the opinion of you troopers, and you guys might have some ideas to make the night even better! I may have mentioned this before, but I manage a US Navy recreation center on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. I am not in the Navy, I am a civilian employee. It is a wonderful job, and I really enjoying taking care of the sailors and marines at our center. It a great setup, we have networked 360 and PS3 systems with huge plasma screens, computers, a giant theater room, music instruments, the works. We even brew root beer on the base! I plan trips and activities, we have done video game tournaments, luau trips, surfing, etc. I am planning an all night Star Wars event. I was planning on wearing the armor (I wore it to work on Halloween and got great reviews!), and play the original trilogy. I might try for a Costume contest, but I don't know if any of the guys have anything to wear. Do you guys have any ideas on how I can make it more fun for the troops? We have SW Force Unleashed games, maybe some sort of contest with that? This is mostly a pretty young crowd (under 24). Maybe I could pass out a flyer for FISD and the local outpost to recruit some of the guys? Thanks in advance, I love the FISD Ohana! (family) Julie
  5. All supporters get free femtrooper hugs for life as well!
  6. Saving all my spare change for a helmet and 501st legal pieces :-) I actually still have a ton of Star Wars toys in storage at home from when I was little. My interest in this stuff goes WAY back!
  7. I had one of those R2 droids, he got broken in shipping was pretty fun though!
  8. She seems to be a fashion model! Ibet she could at least get a beer during football!
  9. I spotted this new Japanese robot, looks a lot like a robo fem-trooper to me! I think it is pretty cool!
  10. Great shots! And personally, I love the Douglas Adams reference! I am a big fan also!
  11. Steve, have you seen any of the new 3D stuff? No more goofy red/blue! It really is a GREAT effect! I'd love to see the Death Star battle in 3D, or the Millennium Falcon zooming through the Asteroid belt! I agree with the points, but personally, I'd love to have a SW movie in the theaters that I could wear my armor to!
  12. Thanks ObiHahn! I appreciate the positive advice, and take it under consideration. The admins at first had thought all Star Wars related costumes would be OK, so I limited to Star Wars only posts. :-) Slave Leia was approved prior to posting, and that is a very common image in the Star Wars universe. But I understand many in to community only want armor related topics here, and that is OK, I can restrict my postings to armor topics. As a show of support, the Arkansas Crimson Nova Squad requested I transfer to their unit. They were even nive enough to send me a welcome patch! After the sorta rough week with the femtrooper haters, it was nice to get some positive feedback! Respectfully, I have to decline the transfer, I just like Hawaii too much! They did make me an honorary squad member though! Takling some pics was the least I could do for them! Like Obihahn said, if you do not like femtroopers, why are you even reading this? Please move on, nothing to see here! For those the do, feel free to look below
  13. I would love to be there! Just to far and to expensive for me! I will be so jealous when I see the photos!
  14. I have nothing but respect for the admins here. They are actively involved, and lead by example. A good forum needs good members, along with visionary leadership, and that certainly exists at FISD.
  15. File this under 'Smack your Forehead It's so Obvious!' The blockbuster success of 'Avatar' has given 3D powerful new cache. Guess which other legendary filmmaker with the box office totals to match is seeking to bring a whole new 'force' to the format of the Gods: George Lucas. Arguably the most important film franchise in modern filmmaking, George Lucas and "Star Wars" have inspired generations to envision new worlds of adventure. That Lucas himself keeps tinkering with the property, even adding to its mythology in varying formats, reveals a man who remains as powerfully obsessed with the material as its fans. That is what makes his recent announcement to "Access Hollywood" that he wants the "Star Wars" films re-released in 3D such a thrilling no-brainer. The man behind the Force confirmed that he has been researching the best possible 3D conversion method, but has not been able to source the right one until now. The success of "Avatar" and its groundbreaking technologies forged by James Cameron and crew may have finally provided the breakthrough for Lucas. "I can appreciate what he [Cameron] went through to do it," Lucas said. "[i'm] happy it's so successful, and worked very well in 3D. haven't been a big fan of 3D, but that movie definitely improves in 3D. We've been looking for years and years and years of trying to take Star Wars and put it in 3D. But, (the) technology hasn't been there. We've been struggling with it, but I think this will be a new impetus to make that happen." Of course, factor in the stellar 3D grosses experienced around the world by films like "Avatar" and "Ice Age 3," that a pumped up "Star Wars" could match such global interest is an added incentive. Right? http://www.examiner.com/x-1486-LA-Personal...Star-Wars-in-3D
  16. Sadly, none of the above. I have zero. But hope to get one soon!
  17. CT posted the quote, I was going to leave that on my page But the filters here at FISD modified it some. The guy did not say they did not want to see a 'slave leia/stripper.' There was a much less nice word than 'Slave Leia' there I happen to like Slave Leias!
  18. That is too funny! I do have wig with this, I need to try and get all my hair under it!
  19. Got a wonderful msg on the femtrooper page from 'family man' telling me to check FISD, because I am not welcome here. He had more to say in the post, including some rather unflattering terms Feel free to browse over to my blogs if you'd like to read the rest. He also seemed to think I have some nefarious motivation to posting here (not that he used words like that, he was at both grammar and spelling!) My only intent here was to have some fun. I have google ad-sense on my page hoping to cover some of the bandwidth, but I don't have nudes or anything available. It seems a lot enjoy my activity here, but if there is a silent majority that wants me gone, I'd be happy to hang it up. I have coordinated my activities with the admins here. I know many (especially UK folks) are very anti femtrooper any way. My opinion is if you don't like this thread, don't read it. Don't spoil the fun for those who like it. But, I do not like conflict or problems, and tend to lean towards avoiding bad situations. I want all troopers to enjoy the activities you do. And the 501st certainly has a positive impact on many lives and people. Obviously I like attention and fun, and wanted something Star Wars related that was different than the typical Slave Leia, and still let me stand out in the crowd. Femtrooper is fun for me. In not way do I desire to besmirch the good name of the 501st. Julie
  20. My report is filed. I also flagged it as 'stolen'
  21. femtrooper armor is all exactly the same as standard TK, except the chest plate. Many leave off the abd and back plate (I have them, but choose not to wear them.)
  22. What I'd LOVE is something really form fitting. This was my first try at building armor. I really goofed up on my forearms, and need to redo those. I wanted to get the diameter down, and took alot out of each side, but then it did not want to wrap in. The rivets held it, but look bad. The thighs were big enough that I could trim them down and get them in tighter. I LOVE how I got my lower bikini armor to wrap in tight :-) The chest piece is way to loose on me, maybe with a heat gun I could wrap it around. I'm serious about being a quality femtrooper, it took a lot of work to get this together, but I want better. :-) I think understand that most armor is made of some sort of cast or scan from the original. I think there could be a big demand for like 75% sized pieces, both for females and teens. There are plenty of short troopers out there too :-)
  23. Very well written! I will send that in!
  24. Hard for me to tell, I'd rather see it on a female
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