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hasbro sound mod?

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Hey guys I am building a TS and trying to mod out a hasbro E-11. I am wanting to know if anyone has if there is a way to make the blaster produce the "blaster" sound only. I have searched over the past few hours and have not found anything. I keep looking at the board and want to try and snip wires but dont want to destroy anything!


Thanks for your help!



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By blaster sound you mean only the shot and not the louder noise it makes as an alternate noise?


I would think its in the soundchip itself...


If money is not an object I can point you out to a few websites that will let you put any sound you want with your blaster...

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I remember reading somewhere where a guy had figured out how to do it. For the life of me I can't remember where it was but I'm pretty sure it was either here or over on the main 501st board. When I was using the Hasbro I always wanted it to only make the one sound too. Why they made it like that is stupid.

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  • 3 months later...

Yeah, mine does as well. I assumed they all did.


if you hold down the trigger on the correct sound, my hasbro stays on the sound chosen when you hold



has anyone else had this happen?

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  • 9 months later...

i have never heard a hasbro, but if the unwanted sound is before or after the wanted sound you could add a micro-switch to the trigger , it could be positioned to cut off the speaker at the correct time to eliminate the unwanted sound... that is the only practical way i can see doing it without re flashing the ROM chip. i dont believe cutting wires will help :blink: the more advanced way would be to make a filter to cut off the unwanted frequency range. but that would be overkill..


i could do up a how-to easy enough but i dont have a hasbro.. ill make up a wiring diagram if i can make time ;)


if somebody could post up pics of the internals, and upload an audio clip of the sound. that would help

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