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Thigh Armor

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Are there any ideas as to how I can keep the lower edge of the thigh armor from digging in the back of my leg without having to Dremel it down? The edge at the bottom of the arrow on the Reference photo.



Edited by BATS2150
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First off photos would be handy to see what gaps you have and how the armor is sitting. Most of the time it's a case of using a dremel or snips to cut down the tops. You can't take any of the bottoms of the thighs due to the ridges there. 


Depending where it's digging in mobility cut outs may help as you may be able to drop the thighs a little, but as I say photos would help ;) 



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Hi Michael

You can actually trim some of that ridge off.

Many of the screen used suits have a portion of that area removed for mobility and comfort.

ANH screen shot of ridge trimmed away for mobility and comfort



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45 minutes ago, BATS2150 said:

I think I still need to cut or Dremel a little more. I am trying not to cut too much. 



Yes you can take off some more, all of that return edge can be trimmed, as both Andrew and I have said you can remove even the lower ridge area as some of the screen armor had that, reference


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30 minutes ago, BATS2150 said:

I completed the mobility cut to the Lower end of the Right armor thigh piece. I did not want to cut too much close to the ridge, my old man eyes are not what they use to be. What do you all think?

It's ok Michael. just a sanding session to avoid armor bites and you're golden. :salute: 

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It can be a dauting task making those first cuts, shortly after you wonder what all the worry was about ;) 

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Ok, Did the Left thigh Mobility Cuts and return edge. I did not want to grind off too much of the Ridge.  I don't think they had a Dremel handy back in 1976-1977 when they did the modifications on the screen used suits.  


Edited by BATS2150
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They look ok . Good work.


For higher levels  "Any mobility cuts on the back do not extend beyond the top of the raised ridge." 


By the way, Try using a photo host like Imgur to post your photos into the thread without no space limit.





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Nice work, just make sure there are no sharp bits or you may encounter armor bites ;) 

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6 minutes ago, BATS2150 said:

Yeah, already got a nice scratch on my finger from running my hand across the edge while sanding


I normally finish off with a couple of different grade wet and dry sandpaper, if you use water it helps the sandpaper to last a little longer and not get clogged as quickly, 240grit then finish with a 600grit just to make absolutely smooth

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You nee to clamp both sides too.   


clamps, clamps , clamps  :laugh1:



Some examples 

WMRNtT6.jpg?1  PztrO4T.jpg?1




HY44RfM.jpg?1     42YNUzh.jpg?1



For Higher Levels  :  

  • Sniper knee plate must be aligned with the ridges on the shin.




SauQQOO.jpg    hDOHSZh.jpg  284c0Z2.png?1




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I've had to add a small piece of plastic behind the top of the sniper plate to allow the bottom and sides to angle correctly.


It's all about force, clamps, magnets and wrapping tape all can be used to get it to sit just right

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