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The Small Parts Needed...

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Okay. I've been browsing for days now and seeing so many different ways to do this.


I need to know what the small parts needed for putting together my armor are.


I've seen velcro, snaps, rivets, glue, sanity...etc. I've looked at alot of TK sites, but seem to only find mixed opinons on the route to go. Which is the best for a n00b at this, and whats a good ole shopping list for all of the small parts going to look like?


** Edit, this should get stickied for everyone else who's starting, one stop shop for all the accessories and small stuff! **

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I'm just about to start building my first armor, and what I've found necessary to get so far is:



-industrial strength velcro


-epoxy glue

-exacto knife (I see some have used a hotknife as well)

-hotglue gun

-electrical tape


-paint for the helmet (if you're not using decals). the grey paint is humbrol #5, i don't remember the black one, but search the forum and you will find it.

-small files for the frown amongst other things

-a variety of clamps


that's all I could think of now, but there are loads of different solutions and ways to tackle all the parts of making the armor complete as I see it.


Good luck!

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Umm... what else would you need? Some of these are obvious.


If you can't find Humbrol, Testors #1138 works good too for grey paint.


When it comes to snaps, you'll want Industrial Snaps. Available at most major craft stores or Wal-Mart type stores.

Elastic, Nylon webbing and Velcro in black and white.

Wire cutters, especially if you plan on wiring up your bucket.

Screwdrivers and pliers.


All I can think of for now.

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Maybe some foam if you need to add padding. I'd add some sand paper for after you make a cut with a dremel. Add also some mesh for your frown. Lots of clamps.

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So far I've made like 10 runs the various stores for various things, I've bought the following...


- Rivet gun+rivets

- Snaps ( 20 so far ) & snap tool

- Industrial velcro

- elastic nylon strapping

- ruler

- wooden sticks ( for mixing glue )

- 2 tubes of 5 minute appoxy glue

- super glue

- 2 drills, ( 1 regular, 1 artist drill but you really only need a regular one )

- screw drivers

- ratchet set

- suspenders

- painter tape

- exacto knife

- belt clips

- grey spray paint

- silver mylar

- wooden cuting board

- clamps

- small strips of black leather

- sandpaper.

- metal screws

- lots of beer

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