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How to weather / add details?

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To weather, you can use what is called "Dry brushing", I'll explain.

I have included the link to my blaster build which has a few images of when I was weathering the scope.



You select the desired paint colour, so lets say you are weathering the scope.   

Brass would be what you need as the originals were made of brass and then painted black.

So first you paint your scope black, then dip you brush into the brass paint only a little.

You then wipe the brush onto a piece of paper removing a lot of the excess until the brush strokes are leaving virtually no paint behind (run the brush back and forth like you are scribbling)

Now brush back and forth lightly on the part of the scope you wish to look weathered. The effect is like black has been worn away exposing the brass underneath.

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Ditto with Andrew. My first attempt at dry brushing was yesterday. If you want to just "slightly weather" the blaster, i recommend using testors "flat steel". If you really want parts of the blaster to show weathering, i would go with silver. I may go back and use silver on just the edges of the ammo clip, tip, sights, and end cap.


I personally chose flat steel because if you do a base coat of silver before the final flat black, your blaster will weather naturally over time trooping. So a little weathering done now, with the additional weathering trooping ;)

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