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TK-11038 Requesting ROTJ EIB Status [CFO][286]

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TK-11038 Requesting ROTJ EIB Status


Name= Frank Craighead

ID= TK-11038

Forum name= Rhapsodyred99

Garrison= Garrison Tyranus




Blaster= Hyperfirm ROTJ E-11

Height= 6'1"

Weight= 230lbs

Boots= TK Boots with soles painted ROTJ white

Hand Plates= CFO

Holster= Neo kerberous

Belt: 2.5 inch woven material















Lid Off



Sniper detail



Thigh ammo Detail




No snaps at crotch visible




Inner drop boxes




Belt detail




Glove/Hands Detail




No return edge on forearms




Green Bubble Lenses









TD Detail





Back Hyperfirm D ring Detail




Front Hyperfirm D ring Detail





Helmet interior






Action shot (is that an ewok over there? Blast em!)





Thanks for looking!

Edited by rhapsodyred99
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Good luck with your EiB application.. ROTJ is one that I am least familiar with, but overall its cool to see more ROTJ troopers coming aboard! I still have this design on my radar to complete the OT trooper trifecta!


hope you don't mind a couple of observations against the CRL...

  • you may need to show that your kidney/butt connection is one piece.

  • The TD faceplate seems kinds small (or the tube too wide... I cannot tell as there is no scale to the image) and the clip size seem does not look to be in the ballpark 1" size called for.
  • in your shot from the back, your shins should close to the inside on both legs (unless this is a RTOJ thing I am missing). your right shin is closing the the outside.

Again, Good luck trooper, I look forward to your success with EiB and hopefully on to Centurion if you so desire! :salute:

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Thanks for the reply Charles,


The kidney/butt can be seen to be one piece from the back shot and also from the close up of the TD, but I can take another shot if it is needed.


The TD on a ROTJ is different than the one on ANH/ESB. this is supposed to be the accurate one, but I cannot say for sure all I have are screen shots to go by and the fact that CFO provided it.


The clips are a little under an inch, again they are provided by CFO, but I am open to switching them to larger clips if needed.


I was going by this picture posted in Rick330's build thread by Troopermaster:



when I made it.


see thread here post #72:





Now the shins you are right they do both close the same way, this is because I am larger than standard shall we say, and the CFO shins are the same for both legs (not unique right and left leg casts) and do not have enough unblemished plastic on the other side to allow for closure without it looking worse than closing the shins the way I did. In my opinion anyway. This is not a ROTJ quirk so much as a compromise I tried to make to keep from having a warped and screwed up shin on one leg, or an obvious obtrusive shim. I decided on this becasue from what I can read in the CRL it does not state that you specifically have to put the outer over the inner on the shins, so while non standard I had hoped it would be ok.


again thanks and I appreciate the imput.

Edited by rhapsodyred99
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I made them using a cardboard template first. They are folded like a Holiday Shirt Gift Box. Once I got the card board right I found some thin styrene from my local Hobby Shop and traced the cardboard on it.


I then cut and folded the styrene to fit. The styrene I got was super thin so folded easy,and then I layered the very back of the box with about 4 layers of it for strength on the inside where it is not visible.

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