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Finally... it begins! Anphrax's ANH ATA Build

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Well I finally managed to gather up enough money to pay for my first set of armor. I decided to go with the ABS over the HIPS because I would really like to troop up here in Seattle. The plan is to have everything ready for PAX August 26...


I decided I like the lower brow and even though (I'm pretty sure) this whitehat is actually a hero, I decided to base the helmet on around him.



I guess it is cheaper to send the armor in two boxes since I live on the west coast but only the first box arrived. I figured I might as well get started at that even though I wanted to start out on the helmet... so first things first: the hand plates!


Here is the box (and Dexter, our cat!):



First question: what is the easiest way to tell how far to trim down the pieces? Is it easier to trace along the inside as seen in the picture of my hand plates here: IMG_20110724_151848.jpg


It looks to me like it might be easier to tell where the mold starts and stops.


Anyway, thanks for checking out my FIRST build!

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An easy way to trim down any piece is with a dremel, or with lexan scissors. never tried lexan scissors before but i heard it's easier :)


Thanks for the tip I was just planning on using some snips I use while doing construction. I'm going to start with the hand plates because I figured it's relatively harmless and easy to replace. What I was actually trying to figure out was how far to trim them down. And I figured it would be easier to tell how far to trim down by looking in the inside :)

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The hand plates varied A LOT in thickness, some were even tilted... So trim until you're happy :)


(See, no shameless plug this time :) )


OIh, and lexan scissors work like a charm. They cut thru 2mm ABS like paper. I don't like the dremel too much, because it melts the plastic and you have hot pieces of plastic flying around.



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And some were even a rubber-like material.........right Karin? :P


Actually, ALL of them were out of a rubber-like material. IIRC, painted latex tongue.gif or something like that biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


So far, no plastic hand guard has been indentified on screen. But according to Brian Muir, they started in preproduction as "plastic cut outs", but before filming began, they switched to latex. The reason for that, is still a mystery.


I'm loooking forward to your build!

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I experimented with the dremmel last night and did discover it melted the plastic. It was a nice surprise when melting plastic splashed up onto my arm :3


I'm going to run down to the art store and pick up some of those scissors! Wish me luck!

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Try a store that sells remote controlled cars also, those lexan scissors are often used by guys making new RC car bodies.

I went out and bought a pair. They work pretty well but I do need to get some sandpaper!

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So I finished the hand plates and wanted to move onto the shoulders but I'm not exactly sure where to cut. Are there any threads that show in detail where to cut or any tutorials? I looked around but couldn't really find any! :(


What make of armor is this?


It is ATA!

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The chest piece has been fully cut out. Going to try to get the shoulders both done tomorrow. Here's my goofy face!



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How does it look so far, guys? The shirt isn't exactly tight on me so it's hard to tell if the armor is just too small for me or if it just looks tiny without all the other pieces...

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Thanks for the input! My lid got lost in the mail somewhere so I'm waiting for another one... until then I'm just going to keep cutting away! Trying to delay the snaps and harness part for as long as possible!

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Have you ordered your undersuit yet? It's way better to do all the trimming and fitting when having the undersuit, especially for biceps, forearms, thighs, chest, kidney, etc..


I ordered it a few days ago so it should be on its way. For now I'm just trimming off the edges and I'll trim off the last of it when I get the undersuit...


edit: what's the easiest way to attach the belly buttons to the torso armor? Does anyone have a larger picture to show detail?

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  • 7 months later...

After a long hiatus (I was scared of ruining my armor...) I am bringing this thread back! Here are some updated pictures:










As you can see there is a little mistake just below the brow that I'll have to fill. Oops!


And a little more comfy on the inside:



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