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Can you guess what this is?

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We'll see ;) Thanks for the kind words.


The non-latex don't take that long (only a couple of hours), and have many advantages.


These latex ones will be for the purists, with all the paint cracks, chips etc.

I guess you will make both latex and non-latex with these moulds if the results are good? :)


PS. I got some acetone and started making some ABS-paste today.

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I guess you will make both latex and non-latex with these moulds if the results are good? :)


PS. I got some acetone and started making some ABS-paste today.



Nope, not possible. Latex shrinks about 7%, I need to make a complete new master mold for the non-latex ones.


Let me know how the paste works!



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Nope, not possible. Latex shrinks about 7%, I need to make a complete new master mold for the non-latex ones.


Let me know how the paste works!

Ah I see. That's too bad. Double effort!


I'll try to remember to take some pictures as well! :)

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They'll be mine then :D


Can't wait to see what they turn out like, Karin!


Of course, Paul!


Thanks for your input while I made the master tools!


Oh Stevie, I know you're pure, darling!


Isn't it ironic that the purists want to have their gear dirty and abused?

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One thing I was thinking about concerning those handguards:

I don't think the originals were done like that (filling a mould with lotsa latex).

The originals look more like they brushed in multiple layers. They dry quicker (although they take more of your time that way) and you'd end up with something closer to what we see on screen IMO, as I don't think they were solid but rather sort of thin with a "return edge".

There's one pic of the TK with the alternative style handplates showing how much they bent and followed the hand, they couldn't have been that thick.


Just a thought...

Edited by R2Dan
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Of course, Paul!


Thanks for your input while I made the master tools!


Oh Stevie, I know you're pure, darling!


Isn't it ironic that the purists want to have their gear dirty and abused?



Thats why i give you first offer on the TM ANH DIRTY and ABUSED WEATHERD armour if i sold it hun ;)

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hm... I understand your thinking, Dan. You'll get some kind of return edge with the shrinking of the latex, as it "sinks in" while shrinking.


The alternate version is quite thin (about 5mm),so it follows the contour of the hand easily, the standard, however, is about 15 mm at its thickest point.


and can't figure out a way to make the indentions.


But your input is highly appreciated!


Maybe I'll try one with brushing, but I think you'll need about 15-20 passes to achieve the disired thickness. And once the latex loses contact to the plaster, the curing takes a lot longer. The minerals in the plaster (Ca+ and Mg2+) are needed to start the curing process and the liquid (ammonia) has to be "sucked up" by thev plaster

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