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Everything posted by bobojuice

  1. I'll just post it in here. I only wanted a PM cause I had to run and didn't want to forget about it. ------------ Those are the ones we used for Olga. Just remember that you'll have to fiddle around with which platforms you use. At a certain point they become too tall and the sides of the boots become very floppy. You might be able to get away with going higher with the new TK Boots though since they do seem taller.
  2. That first link is way more than we had to remove for Olga's suit. If you want I can get a pic of what it looks like now and the back so you can see what we did. I actually left about a quarter of an inch on the far ends so we'd have a way to fully attach it.
  3. I actually trimmed the bit above her cod piece just below the ab plate. There's a strip of about an inch and a half that can be removed. We simply cut it there and glued it back together in the most ghetto fashion possible.
  4. The world's first female Centurion is 5'4. (5'7 with lifts). Send me a PM and I can give you some links to the lifts we used to get her a bit taller. Also, yeah AP would probably be your best bet. The ATA we used on her armor was a PITA to get to fit. A lot of mods that were not for the faint of heart.
  5. It helps to outline the area you're planning on painting with a pencil to get the right shape you want.
  6. Tube stripes look a little low to me, and your vocoder paint seems a bit messy.
  7. I've been using coiled up wire hangers. I just scrape the paint off and wind them up on a broom handle.
  8. I can send you a set of mine if you like. Just PM me with your info and I can mail them out. (note that they are not brass, but nickel.)
  9. Grainger carries a wide array of split rivets. That's where I got mine. Mine are not brass, but they do carry them.
  10. That's where you're wrong. It's clearly Invisible Imperial Stormtrooper Armor. There were tons of those guys in the movies. Didn't you notice?
  11. You can find metal bars at any home depot or lowes. Get them in a 1/16th inch thickness and they're easy enough to bend and very sturdy once they're done. This is the tutorial I used to make mine. It's very comprehensive and not very difficult to follow: ---------
  12. Some people just pop out a set of old lenses and glue them to the TK lenses.
  13. I have the ATA ABS armor and the way I built it, my side gaps are too big at the moment for Centurion. I really don't want to go about adding any shimming to it, so I'll just have to lose the weight. I'm not in any rush and my armor is up to Centurion standards, it's just my gut that isn't.
  14. bobojuice


    I know pretty much everyone in the 501st uses Paypal to send out payments for things such as coins, armor, props, patches etc, but maybe that can change. Paypal and other money transferring websites charge a percentage per transaction . I'd been trying to find a new way to send money around without having to pay so much in fees and I think I've found it. It's called Dwolla. It's very similar to Paypal in that you can add an account to send, receive, and request money. The main difference is that it only charges 25 cents per transaction to receive funds! See here: http://help.dwolla.com/customer/portal/articles/86684-dwolla-fees The one thing I didn't see was a way to add a credit card like in Paypal, but it does let you add a bank account. Also, I haven't seen anything mentioned as far as currency conversion. I know that Paypal charges a ton for that, which really turned me off from them. Now, I haven't used it at all yet so I don't know what kind of cons it has, but overall it seems to be a pretty good deal especially considering I'm always sending money back and forth through Paypal. Has anyone used it before? Positives/Negatives or other comments?
  15. Compression gear or Skin dive suits are excellent for summer temps. Extreme racing gear is good for colder temps as it's cotton. (I have heard some people have problems with their arms fitting snugly though) I would assume the cold gear is good for that also, but I have not tried it out. Compression gear can be purchased at any sports equipment store online or locally. You can even get lucky and find the cheaper stuff at Wallyworld or Target. Skin dive suits you can grab them from any diving retailer such as Diver's Direct.
  16. I'm in the same boat as Steve. Too fat for Centurion at the moment. Haha.
  17. Jesse hooked me up with a replacement scope when my gf dropped one and broke it! He also went out of his way to exchange some old scopes with the new brass ones he was making. Big Kudos to him!
  18. You mean like this? ---------- That was in my FX armor. I can also confirm sitting is possible in ATA as well. I'll let you know later on the CfO but I suspect I'll find a way in that stuff also.
  19. The ones I had were these:----------- I didn't really experience any bleed until C5, so about a year later. It wasn't so much that they were dripping dye or anything, I would just notice smudge marks on my bucket after holding it or putting it on. Could have been any other number of factors.
  20. My old nomex gloves indeed used to bleed after long trooping sessions. Being in FL you tend to sweat a ton. Once they're wet, they tend to leave marks on anything you touch. Including your bucket.
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