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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About james007bond

Member Title

  • Position
    Expert Infantryman

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Milton Keynes, UK
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Scuba, Fast Cars, Slow Women


  • EIB Awards
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Standard Info

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    UK Garrison
  1. Low brow hero does it for me....mind you the high brow looks equally as stunning... Superb work as always Paul....
  2. Well done Dog! Woof and welcome to the club... BTW, it was great trooping with you the other day at Blaby... what a super troop that was...
  3. Actually, i do have a question... where did you get that rubber moulding from? Or is it something you simply put together or cut out together... The pro wires are a real pain to get right, a few of the UKG guys have them installed in their belt with the button tucked away on the underside...Downside you can't move them from kit to kit....
  4. Superb mod... that's one way of keeping body 'moisture' away from the electronics... Another thing you can use is a Tic-Tac Box..(for the ROM only).... BTW, where do you feed your pro wires to? Down your arm and into your gloves?
  5. Goodness me, awesome is an understatement..... Stephen are you wearing this to MEM in November? Can't wait to see it in the 'flesh'.. (BTW, thanks for putting the link up to the bendy manequinn) Paul.... incredible workmanship.... there is simply no equal...
  6. Andy Are you registered on the UKG website? If not, get yourself over there.... ukgarrison.co.uk We have a few on the Isle so it's worth asking in the public section.... You never know.. Shiv
  7. Stefan, Das ist sehr gut. Ich liebe es... lol (english German ) Super build, looks superb... I'm defo going TM ESB on my next build... Can't wait...
  8. Not an easy task to walk down a flight of stairs in the dark... Well done Rich. You'll find the more you troop, the easier it becomes to tackle stairs...
  9. Yes, using 8AA batteries increases not only the run time but more importantly the volume... incidently, I use a Nokia car speaker (very very loud )
  10. Nice setup, one thing, you'll find that using 8AA batteries (12v) will make the ROM sound louder.. also they will last longer than one 9v... A bit of safety advice, stick the battery in a battery box, just in case you get any battery leakeage happening.. the last thing you wasnt is any battery fluid leaking onto your face....
  11. I've been waiting for a belt for months... and have still not got it..... Have sent quite a few emails too.... Mmmm, is the UK a blackhole for post?
  12. Totally agree... I'm hoping that at one of our next big events we can use this... Probably be MEM in Nov I guess now...
  13. Rick, what's a Yorkshirman doing living in the Canary Islands? lol Don't you miss all that Northern weather?
  14. There are many ways to place a ROMFX... do what is right for you... experiment... Mine is in my chest plate held via Velcro.... some troopers have their's in the OII plate, some have even wired a ROM into the dropdown boxes... whilst others have theirs in their buckets....Also, many of us UKG guys use Nokia car kit speakers which we have attached to our belts... although not cannon it's generally accepted...
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