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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by DarkTrooper

  1. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/21101-wire-mesh-for-mic-tips/


    I asked the same question awhile back. Here is that discussion.


    gazmosis sent me the material that he was talking about. I haven't used it yet. I think that stuff is too tight, the mesh that is. Its weaved tighter than the aluminum screen door material. It is really difficult to use, its hard to fit inside of the mic tips without coming apart. But once its in there it looks right.

  2. Welcome. If you can, make it out to the Phoenix Comic Con this weekend. You can take a look at some armor up close and more importantly meet some local 501st members from the Dune Sea Garrison. Ask them questions and you'll get the answers you seek.

  3. Its up to you. You should hold up the cod piece to your body then test fit the legs. Complete the legs though first. Fit the armor thigh pieces to fit your thighs. Once you start cutting off and trimming plastic you can't get it back. I've never had a problem of my man parts getting pinched . . . by armor. The cod piece works like a "cod piece". Plus you should be wearing underarmor of some sort of compression pant to give you support.

  4. Such a shame to hide a cute face like yours under a TK helmet :wub: anyways . . . welcome to FISD, thank you for your service to our country. I met a couple great members from the Dune Sea Garrison last month. If you can attend the Phoenix Comic Con later this month I'm sure you'll run into them. The best advice I have for a new recruit is to meet your fellow garrison mates. Don't be shy . . . most won't bite. They're eager to gain new members and "show you the ropes" to be an outstanding TK.

  5. Oh, so propmaker Morganthirteen IS shawn? Is this guy, automaton72, legitimately selling shawn's kits or is this being recasted? I've noticed these blasters for sale the last couple months. I'll admit I bought one a couple months ago when I thought I was just lucky enough to find one for sale on ebay, then they became a regular occurance.

  6. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-SE-14R-Stormtrooper-Blaster-Pistol-501st-Prop-Replica-E-11-e11-/271201002785?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f24d6e521


    Does anyone have any info on this individual selling these kits?


    Not a lot of info is available on this blaster. From what I've been able to put together these appear to be Shawn Morgan's latest version. These have a curved profile on the blaster handle. These appear to not be the Kropserkel versions either.


    Pretty good deal, too good that it might be recasted. Comes with a real scope too.

  7. Your ATA helmet didn't come with two sets of ears? Ears are such a pain to trim that I thought that's why they come with two sets, I know mine did. IMO, you could trim a lil more from the front part of that left ear, at least more of the flashing that's still left. Take your time when trimming the ears. Trim a lil, measure/place it against the helmet and check if you still need to trim.

  8. I haven't encountered a trooper that has that system yet. Most folks have an external amp, like an Aker, mounted in their chest piece.


    An internal helmet speaker system is something I am working on though. I took apart a toy mic (T-pain mic) and I'm planning on rigging it someway into my helmet. I noticed that the speaker does need some sort of enclosure in order to have a loud enough sound. There's a thread some where around here from someone has a "speaker helmet". I think they used plastic toy eggs as the speaker enclosures.

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