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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by DarkTrooper

  1. I have a Hero ANH TK just about ready. I just need to add two more fasteners to the holster to make it hero style. It should be an easy pass for EIB. It has decals on the helmet and I don't feel like hand painting all the traps just yet.


    I also finished a 'spare' kit for my buddies to troop with me every once and awhile. But I'll mostly likely be posting it up for sale very soon.

  2. New members only, as it always has been. That does not mean however that you should be discouraged from making them anyway in order to keep up to date.


    I was going to ask if there were any actions to be taken on current members who are not up to par with current CRLs . . . but then I read Mathias response.


    Are you sure current members are not required to update their costumes? I'm a stickler for screen accuracy and there are quite a few TKs in my garrison who are rocking plastic belts and one piece back and butts. So if I approach them, as our garrison's GML, and explain the updated CRLs and they tell me to "take a hike" I should just leave it at that?

  3. I installed stirrups in my calves. I basically hot glued a piece of black elastic two thirds down my calves, enough to accommodate the height of my boots. Sort of like this baseball sock


    My calve armor never rides up the tops of boots now.

  4. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/19329-where-what-and-whom-to-avoid-when-buying/


    AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!AVOID ebay!!!

  5. Looks good so far.


    I used the first set of split rivets (the shorter ones) on my last armor build. Those really are short inner arm pieces. I think it looks fine as it is right now though. It'll help you when you need to bend your arms. I've had my fair share of armor pinch in that area.


    You're such a good employee to build that for your boss :smiley-sw013: .

  6. On 3/13/2013 at 3:20 AM, SubSkip said:





    Yeah, those are probably the ones he's talking about. Definitely need to change the elastic portion. Overall $95 + 50 for those boots :huh:

    You couldn't find black ones with the correct elastic and paint those? Definitely cheaper that route but hey he got it done :salute:

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