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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by RBJ

  1. looks great!!!..I get so hung up on ANH, its nice to see something different!!!
  2. ..Looks great!!! those lenses look like a great fit..now I'm even more anctious to finnish mine ( if that were possible!)
  3. ..Looks great! How are you gonna do bubble lenses for your hero? I used some rustoleum satin black spray paint for the inside...I figure the fumes will dissapate over time. I HAD to paint the inside black after seeing this pic of me with my FX!! Seeing the white inside bugs me to no end! I'm hoping my painter can knock it out pretty quickly..finnish that lid and post pics!
  4. ...inside is black...off to the painters!!!!!
  5. ..Here we go! ..got mine today...can't wait to get sarted...I'm gonna paint the inside black, then hand it off to my buddy the car painter for some gloss white..I think the size for bigger guys is great..not a bobble head, not a pea head!
  6. ..I actually ended up buying a batting helmet and using the liner out of that...works great!!!
  7. Edited to remove the real name of a vendor. oops...sorry
  8. "What keeps you from upgrading your FX?" well..as for the armor itself, I'm to darn big to look right in anything else... and as far as the helmet goes...the only thing keeping me from getting a new one is lack of response from sellers....and all the decent ones on ebay seem to be in Zimabwe or whereever...anybody got a lid to spare!! $$$$ standing by! Edited to remove the real name of a vendor.
  9. ..well, it's official..I have been bitten by the bug hard and I need to ditch my FX helmet...can someone PM me contact info on AP , RT and GF helmets? Any recomendations would be helpful..I'd like a more screen acurate look, but without it being to small...at 6' 4" I run the risk of looking like a trooper pinhead! thanks!
  10. ..well..I am waiting on my 501st approval, so I doubt I will be able to vote before it's to late..but for what its worth, I am kind of torn on the no FX helmets...on one hand I see the point about the non accuracy ( I am already planning to upgrade mine!), but on some troopers and with some attention to detail, it looks pretty good. As far as the Hengstler counter requirement,I don't feel it should be required..since there are quite a few without them in the movie ( as seen here).
  11. ..Thats EXACTLY the info I was looking for!!! THANKS!!! That helmet looks great...you'll have to keep posting progress pics..and a shot with your armor for sure! Did you cut out the eyes/mouth or did he do it for you? How do you plan on painting? spray cans? Do you know what color matches the FX armor best?..thanks again..I think I NEED one of these !
  12. ..I've been emailing back and forth about getting one of these..even at 6'4" I think the FX lid looks a bit big on me...has anyone gotten one? reviews? Pix?
  13. ..a local marine tarp maker made mine for me...it's three layers of canvas from here..-------------
  14. ..so I am putting my helmet together now..I have read a bunch of pros and cons to using the supplied liner..my main questions are; if you use the liner, does it hold the helmet secure or does it bobble around? Also, does the straping eventualluy hurt during long troops? I tend to think foam may be a better option ( I wear glasses and I am concerned about them hitting inside) but I am worried that foam may be to hot here in So Cal! Any help,sugestions, pics of your helmets would help me alot! Thanks!
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