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Posts posted by themaninthesuitcase

  1. Sure! atlantic-composites.com

    Pretty sure that will not clear with out a serious amount of work and replacement parts.


    My advice is cheap armour is a false economy. Spending £250 on FX recasts now means you're just £250 further from a better kit that will clear.


    If you're struggling money wise there are other UK sources that aren't TM or RS money that will clear with out issue.  Still not super cheap, but cheaper.  Also worth saying even the cheapest of good kits will needs a reasonable further investment to get from a brown box of parts to a clearable kit.


    If you're goal is the 501st and the UKG then we will be able to offer you lots of good advice if you ask.  Sign up on the UKG forum (http://www.ukgarrison.co.uk/join-us/) introduce your self and speak to some of us.  Also worth popping to an event if you can.  We do most/all MCM events and lots of local cons too, there's a calendar on the website.  There's nothing like seeing it in the flesh to see what you're getting your self into.


    Feel free to PM me if you want some help from a UK member.

  2. Welcome TK-42413!


    thanks Chris whats the  need do on the ab kidney elastics ??

    Gaps a bit on the wide side for centurion, shorten them a little and it will close that gap and make Tony and/or Andrew happy  :D   CRL allows for a small gap (12mm 1/2") at EIB, but "Ideally there no gap between the abdomen and kidney armor." for centurion.  From what I saw your at about that 1/2" gap.  I'm no DO but other than that there's nothing obvious for levels 2/3.  Get that EIB application in!


    Induction in London? MCM Expo should be up for sign up soon!

    • Like 1
  3. Over my time coveting, building and then being a TK I've built up a large collection of 'Billgrams'. I keep getting asked for where they come from (anywhere I saw them, a couple direct from him on my WIP).


    So to save people the hunting I present to thee my collection. I'll try keep it updated as I find them.


    In a few cases there's multiple version, in these cases I will only have the most up to date version to save on confusion.


    I'm also providing the click through links to flickr so you can get at the original files as I have (some will be 3rd or 4th hand I am sure!)


    Finally, some of these have exact measurements on them. Don't blindly follow them, check them on your armour brand, ensure it looks right. If in doubt ask.


    To quote the man himself: 

    On 4/19/2016 at 9:18 PM, Billhag said:

    Quite a few have been updated over the years as and when needed but please bear in mind that they were only ever intended as a rough guide to help or in many cases to answer someone’s specific question.


    Paint colours (though see this thread for a more up to date one I did: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/39650-anh-paint-colour-guide/)



    Helmet - Colours



    Helmet - ANH vs ESB



    Helmet - Padding



    Helmet - Frown_Mesh


    Strapping suggestions



    Snap positions - Front



    Snap positions - Rear



    Snap positions - Limbs



    Snap positions - Arm



    Arm - Strapping





    Ab - Kidney Rivets



    Single Snap



    Thigh - Single cap rivets



    Thigh - Ammo Pack



    Bicep - Adjustment



    Armour - repair





    Belt- Trim dimensions





    Belt - holster position



    Belt - drop boxes



    Belt - snap mounts



    Belt - Popper holster mount



    Belt - which side



    Belt - corners



    Belt-Popper Locations



    Drop Box - Dimensions





    Ab Plate - Dimensions



    TD sizes

    • Like 19
  4. Well done Martyn, looks great. All the hard works paying off!


    Just had a nose over on the UKG at the full clearance photos (and your E-11) and looks like you'll be good for EIB, a small hitch in on the ab-kidney elastics and you'll probably be on for Centurion. Ideally get this done before you're branded!


    A small hint on the TD, (which turned out GREAT)..  You might want to think of attaching some white Velcro strips (the fuzzy side) to the backs of the clips.  This will help keep them from scratching up your butt-plate/kidney armor.


    Best done BEFORE you scratch the crap out of your kidney  :glare:


    Brad nice job! Where'd you find all the Billhag TK sheets at? I've looked all over here and cant seem to find them.


    I have a large collection of them, I'll post a thread somewhere handy.  As I find more I'll edit the post.

    • Like 1
  5. Yeah SLA isn't great for itterating, unless you're loaded!  Though theres a new WanHao DLP machine that might make the machine affordable at least.


    I'l be lookign at running at least some parts as a more detailed material, even SLS might be better for some but clean up is a pain.  I did some of my E-11 parts in SLS and painting is awkward.

  6. My Goal: Basic approval.


    Over the years, I have read a few posts of people saying “Do the work for at least EIB and it will be better in the long run”. I fear that might take a bit more time/expertise than I have. I want to get out there and troop. And when this entry level armor starts to break down I will upgrade to a new suit and go for higher!

    I'm going to say go higher. The anovos kit is really well made and EIB is basically a trivial amount of work more than basic. The only real issue is some helmets had over spray on the frown and the 2 extra rivets on the belt. All the rest will be great as it comes.  Centurion is a little more work from there, but again not alot.  Mostly it's the gloves and flexable hand plates and a bit pickier in a few places.


    If you've not done so read through a few builds, mine Anovos build is linked in my signature, also Ukswraths build is pinned somewhere. Also have alook at a few EIB and Centurion posts, theres really not alot of extra work to do (well unless you need to shim) to get these awards if you build it right in the first place.


    I started with the same attitude as you but very quickly changed my mind, lost some weight and got my Centurion award.


    Question one: How much do people trim from this location? As much as needed?

    None of my returns are much more than 5mm (1/4" ish) some are FAR less.  On my arms the returns are around 3-4mm I think.  

    • Like 1
  7. Was sure i'd already replied to this, I did but the thread had been double posted, so I'll copy it here!


    Welcome to the FISD!


    I'm Guessing Burnley UK? If so make sure you also head over to the UK Garrison and say hello there. https://www.ukgarrison.co.uk/join-us.html The armourer team there will also be able to guide you through the locally available kits and help pic what best suits your needs and budget.


    Also worth having a poke through the build threads, both here and on UKG, to get an idea of what goes into the build and what to watch out for.  Once you pick a kit I'd recommend having a look though the centurion applications for that kit to see what the best builds will look like.


    If you want any independent advice or a hand sourcing something here send me a message.


    Chris (UKG Attache)

  8. I'm no FO expert by a long shot, but it looks well made at least.  They grey primer is making it look odd though.  I'm also not sure that them painting it is a good thing, you're paying for a finish that you're never going to match a helmet to.


    Odd they're only offering 5, unless that's just this run.  Seems a shame to go to all that effort and only make 5.  Also doesn't sound like its a complete kit or fully molded yet.


    They are UK based, wonder where they are.  £700 is a lot to throw down sight unseen.  I've had a poke through their post history and it doesn't look like they've done a successful run yet, never mind one on this scale.

  9. A picture is worth 1000 words, so have 2.



    Audio system fitted in chest plate by Christopher Pearson, on Flickr


    And wireless mic is in like this though I've also got velcro at the end of the boom now to stop it moving.



    Front fans, battery and mic locations by Christopher Pearson, on Flickr


    Wired mic as I mentioned replaces the thing plugged into the green one. I don't have a photo but headset mic on, then I put on my balaclava and neck seal (goes round the neck) wire runs down inside and comes out in the chest.  The connections get pulled on a bit so the pop and crackle which is why I'm using the wireless again.  The speaker I use is this one which is where the headset mic came from ebay

    (I don't know what seller I used this was the first that came up when I searched, probably can be found cheaper if you look)

  10. There's a couple of shorter women in my garrsion who are TK, once kitted up you'd never know.  One has the chest plate at a slight angle but you'd need to know to tell.  It's all in the fitting and there's actually a reasonable amount of room in the chest plate.


    Building your own armour is always what I'd recommend.  Start reading now, have a poke through the various builds and ask questions.  Most armours are, within reason, the same so other then a few details due to female anatomy differences you don't need to focus on anything specific. Even then some of us guys have the same shape issues in places.


    Read through the getting started section, and ask questions.


    As for the sound theres a few options but roughly: 


    Mic in the helmet, speaker is usually in the chest cavity and optionally some means to do the voice changing and static clicks.  Some people fit it all inside the helmet with speakers in the hovi tips.


    I use a wireless mic velcro'd in my helmet but also have a wired one.  Speaker is an Aker unit in the left of my chest, iphone running an app on the right. My wired mic is a backup, this would go on before my balacla and neck seal, wire runs down inside those and simply plugs in.


    I use an iPhone app for the voice changing but there's dedicates boxes and even an all in one system.  My personal recomendation at the moment is the Tramp (Trooper Amp), not the cheapest but the all in one means less wires to pop and crackle. Also have a look at TrooperTalk, TK Talkie, iComm and Rom-FX.


    If you have any specific questions ask them and I can be more detailed, this was a bit of a gloss over.

  11. Welcome to the FISD!


    I'm Guessing Burnley UK? If so make sure you also head over to the UK Garrison and say hello there. https://www.ukgarrison.co.uk/join-us.html The armourer team there will also be able to guide you through the locally available kits and help pic what best suits your needs and budget.


    Also worth having a poke through the build threads, both here and on UKG, to get an idea of what goes into the build and what to watch out for.  Once you pick a kit I'd recommend having a look though the centurion applications for that kit to see what the best builds will look like.


    If you want any independent advice or a hand sourcing something here send me a message.


    Chris (UKG Attache)

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