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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by illusionz_09

  1. 1st test fit of arms and body. I didn't realize until after that the snap holding the right bicep to the shoulder had come undone which is why it looks funny. I may add another snap there if its a weak point. I think I'll also be shortening the shoulder strap somewhat. I measured it several times but didn't take into account that my shoulders would be lower than the straps so there ends up being a gap. not so noticeable in the pictures, but I saw it in the mirror.

    One thing this test showed me was how difficult it was to get it all on by myself. I had to have help with the arms, but it may just be that it all has to attach in a different sequence.


    Its coming along nicely. 

    As far as self suiting up, as a TK once you have "mastered it" you will be able to get completely dressed except your arms. 

    You will need help to attach your shoulder straps; other than that you should be fairly self reliant. Just takes some time.



    Now get to working on that bottom half. Unless your going for a surfer TK.

    • Like 1
  2. todd,

    you are definitely going to have to add to shims on the sides to close those gaps.


    I'm sure the approval team will let you know, but you should already start working on that.


    It looks like your height may be a bit of a hindrance, but your back should be touching your kidney plate as well. You may need to make your shoulder straps longer so that the back can touch the kidney plate.

  3. Mike,

    for patches you have to keep an eye out for different sales going on.

    Keep looking at the sales thread/ detachment merch here on whitearmor. 

    Also there are sometimes some available on the 501st legion forum and your local garrison forums as well. Its just a matter of find when the runs are going on.



    as far as compression gear. Just look through different websites. Underarmor makes some good ones that you can find. Also finding basic compression tops/bottoms on walmart, target, dicks, etc...

    just look around.

    there are also some that are sold within the forums as well.



    Cod trimmed a bit at the bottom.  I really don't need all that space down there.  Now I'm considering cutting the cod away from where it meets the ab, removing an inch from the top of the cod, and then reattaching it to the ab.  I don't want to move the ab up any further, but the cod still needs to be pulled in closer to my... ah... um...... girly bits.   :)  (link to Pandatrooper's Cod Slice-o-rama)


    That is exactly what i was going to suggest. You will be able to remove excess, without changing proportions too much. Also, that area is all behind the belt, so will be well hidden.

    Personally for you, it looks like it would be the best option.

    • Like 1
  5. very clean... great job on mic tip.<br>

    I got some questions, sorry for distract your progress here... I noticed that you wearing a eyeglasses, did you wear it while trooping? how much space did you have inside the helmet? any fogging with your eyeglasses while trooping?...<br>

    I don't have any armor or helmet yet but i need to know, because I'm wearing eyeglasses too. LOL!<br>


    Get contacts!

    No space for eyewear inside the helmet.

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