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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by illusionz_09

  1. Beautiful Job Christian, the armor looks great.


    Some slight critiques (shouldn't affect approval)


    1. could be the picture shot, but watch out for the butt plate to overlap the kidney

    2. you may want to get another brow so that it extends completely on the left side of the bucket and covers the traps

    3. abdominal buttons are a bit over painted, you may want to use some mineral spirits to make them smaller


    again, really nice job!!!

    Good Luck on your submission

    • Like 1
  2. Keep in mind that tkarmour sells the abdomen with the buttons integrated into the armor and traditionally they are a separate piece that you attach.

    Also, the butt plate is oddly shaped.

    before purchasing anything outside of the recommended armories, make sure this one is approval based on 501st standards.


    at quick glance some of the parts looks a bit "off"


    Depends your purpose as well (i.e. EIB, centurion, etc...)

    • Like 1
  3. Exactly.


    as mentioned, it is not mandatory, but it definitely helps hide your eyes and mouth through the bucket.

    As far as con, the only negative is that is makes it hotter inside the bucket, but thats negligible.


    I personally used a standard black spray, but a lot of people use Plastidip which covers nicely in black while still giving good texture for adhesion.


    At the end of the day, its preference and you do what makes you happy.

    That goes for everything inside the armor as well

    • Like 1
  4. Talking about measure twice and cut once... I should have read my post twice before clicking send - My concluding remark was supposed to read, "So - ANH Stunt it is!".  

    lmfao...i was about to mention that  :laugh1:


    that is definitely the preferred armor for most TKs. Good Luck and have fun with the build.

    Not only is it the most identifiable armor, but because it is the most go to there are TONNSSSSSSSSSS of builds to help you along the way.

  5. Actually, I WAS going for Twinkie teeth! I guess that's the name for it. I was using reference photos that indicated that I should round the edges. Nonetheless I think I will still shave some more off the top and bottom of each tooth to make it seem just a little more square.

    lol. its up to your preference.

    but like was said before, an X-acto knife with a small file gets the job done really easily.

    • Like 2
  6. Nice Job Trooper.

    Your armor looks great, should be a quick process.


    1 thing, i noticed you do not have the black ranking stripe on the ears of your bucket.
    Also, your eyes could use a little clean up to open them up.


    For centurion, you would need the slotted screws which are screen accurate for the TD.


    just small critiques, although the ear stripe needs to get added.


    Good Luck!

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