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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Zarlon

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    Southeast Michigan


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  • 501st Unit
    Great Lakes Garrison

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  1. Love reading troop logs for newer troopers! Gets me rejuvenated every time. Well done!
  2. Congratulations! Looking forward to another year in the FISD!
  3. It looks like your making good progress Kurt! I have one suggestion for the side tabs you use to keep the abs in tight. If you haven't already done so, make sure you paint the front of the tabs black.If there is any separation, you'll be able to see the white tab where as the black will just blend in with your under suit. Keep it up. You'll be trooping with us in the GLG in no time at all. Feel free to PM here or on the GLG forums if you have any questions or need anything.
  4. Looking great! Can't wait to see the final product.
  5. This coming weekend will be the one year anniversary of Maker Faire Detroit which was my first troop with the 501st legion. For the Maker Faire event this year, I was asked to put together a video that could be shown at our booth. I was really having trouble coming up with a theme but then, a question that comes up once in a while, popped into my head. Why do we do what we do? It's safe to say that since your are on this forum you're a Star Wars fan but what really propels us to spend so much time and money building screen accurate costumes? If you would have asked me this question before my first troop, the answer would have been different. The answer for me now can be found in the finished video below. Thank you all for the help and encouragement over the years. I'm so happy to be a part of this detachment!
  6. Happy Anniversary FISD and thank you so much Paul!!!
  7. When I was a young tyke my uncle used to do magic shows at birthday parties. He called himself Semaj the Magician which I thought was really cool. I told him I wanted a magician name as well so he came up with Zarlon the Magnificent. Fast forward twenty five years when I stared playing World of Warcraft. I needed a character name that nobody else had so I resurrected the name Zarlon. It has now stuck with me since I started playing in 2006.
  8. We've already got a contingency hotel booked in case we don't get a group rate for a 501st based hotel. I don't want to wait until everything is sold out.
  9. This is so sad. Rest in peace Jenny! <br><br> Buckets off...
  10. Congratulations everyone! Looking forward to another successful year in the FISD!
  11. It sounds daunting but trust me, if I can do it, anyone can. The trick is to not get yourself overwhelmed. When you first open the big brown box it's very intimidating and I honestly freaked out a little. If you focus on one section at a time, and don't worry about the rest until you get to them, you'll be perfectly fine.
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