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Posts posted by Daetrin

  1. 59 minutes ago, Zinfer said:

    Yea I definitely envy photos like that.  beautiful.


    Truly, I do suggest a good photographer, even freelance.  It will cost some $$, but if you get some buddies to be part of the shoot you can decrease the cost. I'm really glad I had them taken when I did.


    The ones with the book though I didn't pay for.  I was the "model" for that photo shoot and they were nice enough to give me copies of the test shots.  So I have a bunch of me in different poses, but the one for the advertisement is me simply holding up that huge book, which was so heavy I could only keep it at that angle for a short while.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Zinfer said:

    TE2 was def better fit.  The FX was just a tad short for you as you know, with the right shin.  :)  I'm sure alot more differences.  But looked great on you anyways.  Def a nice fit all around.

    Yup, but for reference these are not TE2 shins which were even worse then the FX.  They are RT-Mod that were painted to match the TE2.

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  3. No worries. I was partly referring to my armor as well.  The first one in 2005 was FX armor I put together myself and these were my 501st submission pictures.  The second set was a TE2 suit I helped pull while visiting Guns in Hawai'i and was built by Wyatt and painted by Mike Appling.  I was trying to make a joke that how our armor starts is now how it may end up, e.g. "how it started" meme.


    As for photos, yes these were taken by a professional for a book promotion and it was just luck that the shoot was held here in Seattle and I was the only EI trooper in my garrison at the time.


    That said, I found it best to get someone who you know through your garrison or other affinity group who is a professional photographer, or at least a very good one, to take the photos for you.  Spouses sometimes are not the best as they don't think that a rotated shoulder is a big deal, etc.


    Below is one that a Masonic brother of mine took for us.  He had a studio and let my garrison drop by for some photo shoots (that is me as the officer).



    The advantage of a professional is that they are masters of lighting, etc. No way you could get this type of shot at your house.

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