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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by RampantLion

  1. Recent progress: Fixed right ear (trimmed thickness by a substantial amount and lowered it a touch): The left ear still has more trimming to endure. I'll post pics when it's done. Also completed my biceps: How does this curve look for the knee pack? Still to do: Correct left ear thickness Correct the left thigh cover strip on front Outside cover strips for forearms Shin trimming, cover strips, elastic & eyelets closure (white velcro if this doesn't work well) Foam padding to better fit forearms and biceps (I plan on using a cheap mattress topper and utilize velcro for easy removal.) Sniper knee placement and gluing Crotch snaps and rivets Strapping of chest and back armor with split rivets. Strapping of garter belt and legs Strapping of biceps and shoulder bells Belt assembly Reinforce brackets with ABS strips (I may postpone this until the build is done) Wow the list is short enough to write down! Not too much longer until I can suit up. There will be plenty of adjusting I'm sure, but it is nice to at least see the finish line in the distance. Questions to research: Any measurements available for spacing the crotch rivet and snaps? ??? Best method to put holes in TKittel's canvas belts? Answer: Doh, it came with instructions! "Imperial Instruction 10-206 recommends using a leather punch, soldering iron, or drill for creating belt holes."
  2. Just refer constantly back to those reference pics. I was VERY nervous at the beginning but just do a little bit at a time and post often. As you see I missed the part about the cover strips ending.
  3. I was curious about that. I can correct the cover strip on the front of the right thigh as needed but the back of it had a weird spacing issue which I remedied by taking the cover strip all the way to the edge. Do you think I can leave the back like it is? Otherwise I'll have to figure out how to remedy one side being flat and the other side having a large indent for the accent on the bottom. I'm not sure why it's like that
  4. The return edges are completely removed at the wrist ends. It can be difficult to tell in these pictures without arms inserted. I did remove a lot of edges to cut down on armor bite as well.
  5. Just a quick update. I have the forearms half way done. I just need some padding and finishing strips on the outside: The left thigh is complete: Now off to Dragon*con in Atlanta! ****I extended my coverstrips too far on the thighs and had to correct this for Centurion. See here
  6. Ok. I'll keep working them. Thanks for the pics gazmosis. I also did some strapping work with the wire brackets. I still need to add the side straps and size the shoulder straps. Then I can get back to working on the arms and legs... Still much to do.
  7. Really great that you were able to help out in this way. That is really going above and beyond. Good work.
  8. Thanks! I found black acrylic paint works great for touching mine up. Maybe you can use that instead of spraypaint.
  9. Inside the lid. My velcro strips. I only used the hard prickly side for these pads. It adheres VERY well. This arrangement worked well for my dome. Your head my vary. Not the best pic. But there is a small pad up top and a large pad below it. Also in the front above the lens is one small pad. Any advice on the bulges in the S-trim? Also I realize in my last post I don't have the screws painted or the third (bottom) screw in. I plan on completing that this week.
  10. More helmet progress. I'm just about done. My right ear(as you were the helmet) was botched by me. A fellow Georgia garrison member helped me get the general shape but when I trimmed it down I trimmed too much. I also botched my backup early on when I didn't know how to work the dremel. I have a replacement coming in this week. Thanks to gazmosis for the replacement! Botched Right (too trimmed down): My better side (Left): ****My painting details in the trapezoids on the lid were rounded to achieve Centurion. I just used a toothpick to pick the paint off.
  11. Very cool and a good buy. I can see some light imperfections but you should be able to touch those up with a razor and some paint. I found that some black acrylic paint is a good match.
  12. There are a few in the forums. Just a quick search should turn up what you need. Repairs D-ring installation Sight printout Add glass or plastic to scope Another scope mod Body modifications Some light body modifications You can also apply some of the mods meant for the resin/doopydoos E-11s. Depending on what you want to accomplish. The forums are huge but if you dig long enough you can find some good things. (Also some where on here was a mod for adding the wires you see on some blasters from the power cell. I can't find it at the moment though.) Good luck! *editted to correct spelling error.
  13. http://www.501st.com Vader's Fist - as in we are the fist that crushes the rebel scum!
  14. I made a bit more progress on my lid. I'm still waiting on some stencils to finish painting the stripes in. I am having a heck of a time figuring out my ears and so I'm looking for some locals to help. I am also a little confused because my cuts won't allow me to rivet the bottom like in the tutorial I was following. I am looking at possible drilling above the stripes to hold things in place while I shaped the ears. But I don't know.... any suggestions?
  15. You can always use the wayback machine: http://archive.org/web/web.php
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