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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Pickles

  1. Hi All!


    So I haven't been active on the FISD forums for awhile. Back in the day I used to record my troops with posts in the "Field Training Exercises" section and I would keep all the links in a single post. For some reason when I click the link to that summary post I get "you do not have permission to see this", but if I go to my profile and then post history, I can see the content. 


    Here are my super old troops (copy/pasted from my old post). I quit counting after awhile. I suspect it's in the hundreds. heh. 


    Sadly it looks like all the posts were edited down to 1 photo each? Was there a great purge or something?


    Troop List:


    001 (JUL2012) - Brickfete Lego Expo

    002 (JUL2012) - Storybook Gardens

    003 & 004 (JUL2012) - Oshawa Public Library and Toronto 80s Toy Expo

    005 (AUG2012) - Rogers Cup, Tennis Canada

    006 (AUG2012) - Got My Kids

    007 (AUG2012) - Silver Snail Moving Day

    008-011 (SEP2012) - Star Wars Celebration VI

    012 (SEP2012) - Burlington Toy Con

    013 (SEP2012) - One Duke Grand Opening and Charity Event

    014 (SEP2012) - Toronto Roller Derby

    015 (SEP2012) - Toys R Us

    016 (OCT2012) - Pulp Comics Grand Opening

    017 (OCT2012) - Cleaning at a Dirty Sandy's House

    018 (OCT2012) - At Keith's - Nate's 1st Birthday!

    019 (OCT2012) - Seaway Mall FUN Expo Promo

    020 (OCT2012) - Health and Home Show

    021 (NOV2012) - Burlington Toy Show

    022 (NOV2012) - London, ON Christmas Parade

    023 (NOV2012) - Richmond Hill Action Figure Expo

    024 (NOV2012) - Niagara Falls Christmas Parade

    025 (DEC2012) - Hamilton YMCA "Ultimate Chill Zone"

    026 (JAN2013) - Burlington Toy Con

    027 (FEB2013) - Vaughn Winterfest

    028 (FEB2013) - We're All Stars (London's Sick Kids Hospital)

    029 (MAR2013) - Toronto Comic Con

    030 (MAR2013) - Canadian Toy Con

    031 (MAR2013) - Niagara Falls Easter Egg Hunt (FB Album)

    032 (APR2013) - Brandon's 8th Birthday (Woodstock Museum)

    033 (APR2013) - 80's Toy Con (FB Album)

    034-035 (APR2013) - Northern Ontario Expo

    036 (MAY2013) - Free Comic Book Day and May the 4th at Pulp Comics

    037 (MAY2013) - Ottawa Comic Con

    038 (MAY2013) - London Rogues Sci-Fi Fantasy Con (FB Album)

    039 (MAY2013) - FUNexpo

    040 (MAY2013) - Alton Autism Awareness

    041 (May2013) - Wedding Reception

    042 (JUN2013) - Springlicious

    043-044 (JUN2013) - Niagara Falls Comic Con

    045-047 (AUG2013) - FanExpo

    *A Number of Unrecorded troops occurred*

    MAY2014 - Make-a-Wish Canada World Wish Day

    AUG2014 - Two Imperial Weddings

    AUG2014 - FanExpo

    OCT2014 - Hamilton Comic Con

    OCT2014 - GenreCon

    NOV2014 - 'In Another Galaxy' Strong Museum of Play

    NOV2014 - Music of John Williams w/Kingston Symphony

    NOV2014 - Ajax Toy Show

    JAN2015 - Collectors Toy Show

    FEB2015 - Family Day with the Toronto Marlies

    MAR2015 - World Autism Day (Waterloo)

    MAR2015 - Brampton Beast Hockey - Star Wars Night

    APR2015 - Toronto Easter Parade

    APR2015 - Celebration 7 (Anaheim)

    MAY2015 - Free Comic Book Day (The Dragon)

    MAY2015 - Franklin Park Zoo (Boston)

    JUNE2015 - Niagara Falls Comic Con

    JUNE2015 - Logan's Wedding

    JULY2015 - Canada Day

    JULY2015 - Montreal Comic Con

    JULY2015 - Weird Al 

    JULY2015 - A Troop for the brave 5yr old Jamshid

    JULY2015 - Securitas Canada Cure for Cancer

    SEP2015 - Toronto FanExpo (Troop Report in the Sep Newsletter).

    SEP2015 - Niagara Grape and Wine Parade

    OCT2015 - Hamilton Comic Con


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  2. I am unable to view my own or anyone else's forum signature in any thread. It seems the entire signature section is invisible to me because the horizontal line that indicates where the post ends and the signature section begins is not there. 


    I've tried different web browsers and they all have the same issue. If I had to guess the reason it seems like there's some kind of permission setting that is not right on my user account. I know if you are not logged in, the default public view does not display signatures either.

  3. Looks like we're starting our first builds at the same time. we may have a small local group of troopers here in the KW area in the near future.

    I'm liking this already, hopefully we can find enough people and attend a party to learn a thing or two. though this forum helps a tonne, I've been reading so much. Just made my final payment and awaiting big brow box day now. :)

    Heh, well it's not a matter of having enough people for an armor party rather finding time when key helpful people are available :>


    And there is no better source for Stormtrooper building help than FISD, by far!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. Hi Henry et al.! 


    Feel free to add your friendly neighborhood Pickle (me) on FB and I'll get yah an invite to the local recruit FB group. Make sure to shoot me a message saying who you are. :)


    I don't know that there will be many (if any) armor parties coming up in the next few months as most folks are busy with the TFA release and various holiday/family/travel activities.Parties are usually announced in the FB group.



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