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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by TKRalf

  1. Armor= AP Helmet= AP Blaster= TKBondsrvnt (Thanks Vern!) Height = 5' 10" Weight = 157 lbs Boots = TKBoots Canvas belt = TKittell Electronics= 1 squirrel fan Neck Seal = TrooperBay Thermal Clips = TK-4702 I humbly submit my request for EIB. I've been kind of lagging it but finally got around to taking pictures. I hope I have met the standards and look forward to make any necessary adjustments. I also took a pic of both the left and right side gaps since to prove they're under 0.5". Although for my left side no matter how tight I make the straps I just can't get it to close completely. any suggestions? Close ups: Right Side button: Right side gap: Left side gap: Blaster: Helmet:
  2. Don't forget to order rare earth magnets for those places where the clamps can't reach, (ex. thighs) 2 tubes of E6000, sand paper, 1" nylon webbing since elastic can stretch too much IMO. Paint for the ab buttons and the details on the helmet, a neck seal. I'm sure I've missed something...sigh.
  3. Awesomeness! Congrats Ingrid! She most certainly is a trooper's trooper.
  4. TKRalf

    Woot T-shirt

    Nice entry over at today's shirt.woot.com
  5. No tinsel though, too distracting...
  6. TK 8616 requesting access http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=13392 thnak you!
  7. Thanks for the feedback. I just got an email from the garrison approving my TK! Now I just want to make sure I get it right enough to hopefully get EIB?. Yea the biceps were the first pieces I worked on when I got my kit. But maybe it's something I can fill in with some work but if it's a big issue I guess I'll have to resize. Ugh that'll be a PITA.
  8. So after a long summer and even a preliminary run through San Diego Comic Con, I think I'm finally done with my ESB TK. I sent in my 501st application and waiting for approval. In the meantime I was hoping if you guys noticed anything that I need to fix or adjust. Thanks.
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