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Everything posted by TK9926

  1. You will save alot of money by skipping the magnets and use clamps, its cheaper and you will achive the same results.
  2. Hahaha That's some funny stuff! I got nuthing to add* End transmission.... CT-9926 out. Thanks for the laugh...
  3. I love to suit up and walk around my area but now we have a curveball, after the shootings in Aurora I feel like we are going to be treated like terroist. I feel we won't be able to carry our blasters in public and with the 3D movies coming out each year will we be allowed to stand in front of the theaters? I know we won't be able to enter, no longer after the tragedy in colorado. I wouldn't feel right wearing my armor or carring a blaster at the moment.
  4. Just a update, armor build is complete waiting on sound clips and my blaster to be completed. "RogueTrooper" stop by and we can get some pictures uploaded of the armor. I look forward to presenting TK-9926 to the boards.
  5. There is someone on the Legion boards who does this, along with your photo on the back of the card. He also sells a Burnt Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen, pretty cool set. Patrick
  6. Wow! Thanks everyone, I had a great time. Looking forward to completing my TK this year and trooping as ANH trooper. Thank you, Patrick
  7. Sorry I have been away for awhile, went to the "WellsFargo Golf Championship" it was great! Armor needs some tweeking but rest assured its awesome. Have a great week.
  8. Love the group shot, I have to get out and do a troop soon.
  9. Hope everyone had a good Easter. Here you can see the rivets added to the torso then painted white along with the fans in the bucket. Two fans are intake while the one in the middle is exaust. Abb buttons painted as seen in the archives. Hope you all have a great week! Patrick
  10. Great job Wood Chuck! Glad you made it in. .
  11. Great Job Tom! Heres to you and all your help Your Friend Patrick
  12. Lets see a pic with the helment and under thingy just like the patch or I can wait for April. Thanks
  13. Don't everyone thank me at once. Its been a tough build and now its almost complete feel free to ask questions or comment on something. The ab buttons will be painted last, so if you need more pics or any advice just ask. Thanks, Patrick DeVoe
  14. Been busy with the strapping but its almost complete. Have a look it's time to celebrate :pint1: :dancing-trooper: :dancing-trooper: E.I.B. Status coming soon.....
  15. Try "Tricktoys" internet site they carry them as well.
  16. January , Febuary and now March. I have been overwhelmed with work, working endless weekends. Today I will applie the strapping and by Sunday hopefully put a end to this build. Next I will be adding fans to the bucket and post some fresh pics.
  17. Looks like he's melting... Great job Cake maker.
  18. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Gotta love the holidays. Ok I have some pics to post I just need a new camera. Stand by......
  19. I'm sold! Now I can clean and have fun while keeping the wife happy.
  20. Gluing in the snaps and taping to secure them in place and clamps to hold. I waited until this morning to remove the clamps and tape. Here are this weekends photos of the glued in snaps. This was really fun, more snaps and fittings next week until then, Happy Thanksgiving Troopers!
  21. Well they were made of ABS strips that were scrap. So Yes and Yes .
  22. Thats just wrong, unless you are in it.
  23. It's a Snap! Edges now smooth time to glue these in and work on the belt.
  24. Oh Snap! This is what I have completed tonight so far, now time to smooth the edges.
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