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I hate to sound like a nit-picking doof, but will there be any mention of copyright and other legalities with the posting of said essay? The only reason I ask is because the incidence of plagiarism is on the rise, and it's as easy as a couple of mouse clicks to lift an essay off the net. I'm not saying anyone here is looking to lift an essay, but stuff makes the rounds on the net. At least with copyright notation there is legal recourse in the event of plagiarism. I suppose that will be up to the person posting to decide.

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Over our combined history many have stepped up from the masses to gain the status of a hero. Just open any historical book in any library and you will find something or someone indicating the presence of a hero in any one of them.


The concept of a hero basically is a cultural norm or value that has been superimposed on a person, who has happened to have shown an extraordinary display of that norm or value at a given time, having gotten general consensus by his or her peers that he or she has indeed performed the act that has led to his or her heroism, in turn becoming a symbol of that norm or value to his or her peers.

They are the indicators of a culture to express and personify the norms and values they value the most in their culture, and to pass them on to their children and peers in stories and other media.


The hero is not only the indicator in these stories, but also the tool to help people identify with the situation at hand. As is commonly accepted, we humans are incapable of viewing the world from any perspective but a personal one. The hero offers a key to us to become a part of the story, instead of just being an observer. He allows us to identify ourselves with him, so we can get a greater sense of immersion, and relate to his ordeals.


Due to the ever-changing values of cultural norms and values, heroes are mostly of a temporary nature, dependant on the times and toils of the time the hero has lived in, as well as the culture the hero and his peers lived in. As the culture changes, so does its heroes.


What can be seen as a hero to one culture can be seen as the total opposite by another.

The hero of one culture could have become one by slaying the hero of the other culture, or by stealing resources from an enemy camp. The hero will be naturally seen as a traitor or criminal to his or her enemies.

A hero does not have to be a real person per definition. They are basically the projection of a culture, to show the culmination of symbols that bear a significant value to the culture. They can be mythological heroes, protagonists in a movie, book or story or just an everyday person who just happens to be in the right place at the right time.


Every one of us can be or become a hero, and become an ex-hero as well. Some may rise up to that premise and, shaped by the heroes of their own pasts to become one themselves.

The tales of those heroes may continue to be told for centuries, or they just might be printed once in a local newspaper. Whoever becomes the hero, whatever the cause may be; as long as we are human, there will be heroes that better our future.


©2009 Vincent aka Merugear

Please ask permission before duplicating.

(500 words precicely!)

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I hate to sound like a nit-picking doof, but will there be any mention of copyright and other legalities with the posting of said essay?


Umm... Now ya know I never thought of it. If anyone bootlegged your essay, know you are shooting for a bootleg prize. Really.. Kinda ironic don't ya think?


If anyone is worried about it, your right. Just don't post. Really not the thread for the debate, but as a guideline just keep it in mind. The internet is a large place, and well... Cant police it. Man, that sounds familiar.


I am looking forward to submissions. Also know this is not for me. I am a history major, this is just for fun. I hope the fun is not sucked out of it.



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Wow, harder than I thought. Kind of felt like I was back in school :)


What is a “Hero?”


Is a hero, a person in rubber or spandex fighting evil? Does a hero have something that your average person does not? Can anyone become a hero? Do you need to be bitten by a radioactive spider or an alien from another world? These questions and more constantly plague us when thinking about heroes.


The dictionary definition of a hero is “a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for their brave deeds and noble qualities.” That’s good, but still pretty vague.


I’ve always thought of someone as a hero if they go out of their way to help someone for purely selfless reasons. They do not gain anything by doing this and frequently they risk lose something greater.


A man rushes into a burning building before the fire trucks arrive. He didn’t have to do this; he could have waited (and probably should have) for the trained professionals. However, he felt the need to act, because time was short and more could have been at stake.


That is one view, but not the only view. We are getting a better idea, but still not quite there.


Does one really need to put their life on the line to simply be labeled a hero? No. Everyday we encounter heroes. It could be the smallest act of just simple decency, or the larger act of possibly facing death.


Simply put, when one person begins to think of themselves, not in what the world can do for them, but what they can do for the world. How can they make this world better, think outside of yourself, putting others ahead, a hero will be born.


An old cliché says that “There is no ‘I’ in team.” That is the simplest definition of a hero.


A hero does not seek the spotlight, riches, rewards or fame. They may have those things thrust upon them by a grateful public, but it is not what they seek. The true hero acts because no one else can or will. They step up, when others are unable or unwilling to, because these things need to be done. Someone must act, or things more precious will be lost.


In all of us is the power to become a hero. No one has been denied this power; all that is required is merely the motivation and an outlet. We don’t need spandex or superpowers. Radioactive bug bites, genetic mutations, or even a catchy one liner. These things do not a hero make. The will to make a difference, the determination to put another’s needs ahead of your own, the fortitude to see it things through to the end, that is what is needed of a hero. Simply step up to help others in need, to do those rough and sometimes dangerous things that benefit all.

What is a Hero? A hero is selfless when others are selfish. A hero is there for the greater good, putting aside all others to make a difference, big or small, in someone else’s life.

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Not to rain on your parade, but if you go to any sort of school worth going to chances are your teacher uses very expensive software that goes above and beyond what Google might traditionally find. If I were you I'd stick to PM's and not openly post. Google caches EVERYTHING that ends up on the web, so you might wanna be a little more careful about openly plaigiarizing/purchasing your homework.

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That's two.


This thread is just not worth it. Pisses me off a little, but close it.


To the two guys that entered, Ill be sending you something cool. Ill be doing that by PM.




Ridiculous. :rolleyes:


I am amazed that a simple thing on a board can be ruined.

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