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Having lots of trouble with my inside legs rubbing

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I'm having issues with the insides of the thighs rubbing together when I wear my armour , Im 5,6 and im using the shepperton design studios battle spec suit , whenever i try the suit on with the thighs and i walk they always rub together and its slowly sanding away the glossy finish , should i be worried about this or is it normal?

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Hi there, some photos would help for feedback, do you have any gap between your legs and thighs.


Could be your thighs have been assembled too large for your frame, I don't notice any rubbing on mine but I'm ideal height and weight for the costume, although I did with my First Order armor, I ended up adding some foam inside to centralize the things on my legs, I've got pretty skinny legs so this helped immensely.



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Could also be the position of the strapping of the thighs, may be angled inwards. Hopefully we'll be able to advise more once you get some images posted. Talking about images most of us use a free online image host, upload there then copy the links directly into your post, I like Imgur, great tutorial here 


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Velcro? Shouldn't need any velcro on the thighs, as they should be fully closed...

I can echo Glen (as usual) and agree that some foam blocks on the inside of the outer piece of armor should help pull them away from your undercarriage and make them more comfortable. Make sure they fit you and are sitting at the proper height as well (garters can sag and attaching them to your ab can pull it down if not strapped properly). I also usually remove the return edge at the top, inside of the thigh armor and blend it back in, keeping it on the outside of my leg to give it the look/depth of armor. Definitely post some pics and we'll try to make recommendations. 

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On 8/11/2021 at 4:23 PM, TheRascalKing said:

Velcro? Shouldn't need any velcro on the thighs, as they should be fully closed...

I can echo Glen (as usual) and agree that some foam blocks on the inside of the outer piece of armor should help pull them away from your undercarriage and make them more comfortable. Make sure they fit you and are sitting at the proper height as well (garters can sag and attaching them to your ab can pull it down if not strapped properly). I also usually remove the return edge at the top, inside of the thigh armor and blend it back in, keeping it on the outside of my leg to give it the look/depth of armor. Definitely post some pics and we'll try to make recommendations. 

my suit is the shepperton suit which uses velcro to close the thighs , im not here to join the 501st i just really need some help im not looking for it to be fully approved

Edited by TK-426
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3 hours ago, TK-426 said:

the issue appears to be basically where the inside of the thigh tapers out a little those two parts stick out too much and they rub at each other  where they should taper out 


Sounds like you're talking about the return edge at the inside of the thigh, which is totally cool to remove and sand smooth. Post some pics with the area highlighted and we'll confirm our suggestions! If it helps I can dig my suit one to take pics or find some around here too if you need examples.


3 hours ago, TK-426 said:

my suit is the shepperton suit which uses velcro to close the thighs , im not here to join the 501st i just really need some help im not looking for it to be fully approved


Ah, gotcha. Sounds like you already know it's less accurate that way, but no worries at all and thanks for letting us know - we're here to help and knowing your goal is important too.

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