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Obsolete - CRL ANH Hero Stormtrooper text


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Edited: 18SEP08

Costume: Stormtrooper

Prefix: TK

detachment: First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment


Context: ANH Hero

Stormtroopers are the elite infantry troops of the Imperial Army


Stormtroopers must have:

Armor: made from ABS, HIPS, or fiberglass. Must be in proportion to what was seen in ANH. Accepted styles are the: FX/GT, ANH styles from AP, TE(2), SDS, RT, TM, and LAWS. Also accepted are fan sculpts that are similar in size and proportion. Armor must be white. The armor must be fitted to the wearer through trimming and shimming.


The body must consist of:

* Boots. These must be white leather or leather like, above ankle, with a flat sole, with small U-shaped elastic sections on both sides of the ankle. Jodhpur-type boots or an equivalent style. No buckles or laces. Elvis or mariachi boots are not acceptable.

* Greaves (one with knee plate described below). Greaves should close in the back.

* Thighs that close in the back (and the right with an ammo belt described below).

* Ab plate (either one piece, or a separate cod & ab). The ab plate also has a button area that matches the color pattern shown (3 blue + 6 gray. Buttons are approximately 7/16" in diameter.

* Lower back plate (either a single piece, or separate kidney and butt)

* Drop boxes, which dangle from the sides of the plastic front belt via white straps.

* Belt front, consisting of a correct plastic front (TK ammo belt).

* Belt should be: canvas, or canvas covered material, 3 to 3.5” wide. The color must be white, or off-white.

* Chest piece

* Back plate.

* Shoulder straps. These must be securely mounted in front, but may free float in back. They may be affixed with rivets, Velcro, or adhesive.

* Shoulder bells.

* Biceps, which must be fully closed

* Forearms, which must be fully closed

* Hand plates, that cover the back of the hands. Trapezoid shaped hand guards are required.

* Gloves. Must be black rubber, nomex, leather, or leather like. Enclosed fingered, non-textured.

* A thermal detonator must be present on the back attached to the belt. This is a gray cylinder 2-2.5 inches in diameter with white end caps with a white control pad affixed, facing outwards. It may be permanently affixed using fasteners or be clipped.

* Ammo belt must be present on the right thigh.

* Correct trapezoid knee plate on the left greave (diamond knee plates or the absence of a knee plate is not acceptable).

* Black under suit, either one-piece or two-piece. Non-textured material.

* Black ribbed neck seal. The ribs should be horizontal, not be loose, and should extend from the base of the neck to the top of the adam's apple.

* Holster made of black leather or leather like material, worn on the left.

* Blastech E-11 Blaster Rifle. Must be based off of a real or replica Sterling, or a modified Hasbro toy Stormtrooper blaster.



* Must be made out of fiberglass, ABS, or HIPS. It must be white. It must match proportionally to what was seen on screen. Helmet must correspond to ANH Hero requirements below.

* Frown must be painted gray and not leave the teeth area. Six total teeth on the frown are to be cut out.

* Traps and tears must be gray.

* Rear traps & tears must have lines.

* Blue tube stripes, matching what was used on screen, navy blue and black are not acceptable. There must be at least 9 and a maximum of 15. The curve must bend backwards. There does not need to be an equal amount per side.

* Earpiece may have two or three screws. One above the ear cap and one near the bottom. A third screw below the ear cap is permissible but discouraged.

* Gray flat or bubble lenses.

* Chin must be black.

* Mic tips must be present.



An ANH Hero Stormtroopers should have:

* A screen accurate or screen approximate helmet. The "classic" FX helmet does not fit this category.

* Gray bubble lenses only, not flat.

* 3 ridges on the ear caps instead of four

* Only two screws per ear (above the ear cap and near the bottom, no screw under the ear cap)

* Correct hovi mike tips.

* Separate kidney and butt pieces rather than a single back piece. Cut should be visible below the belt.

* Holster should be attached to the belt from behind with four rivets or chicago screws with no loops covering the outside of the belt.

* Shoulder straps should not be attached with rivets, and should free float in the back rather than being permanently attached

* Armor side gaps should be closed. This should be done by adding a shim or shims of material that must be of similar material and color as the ab and back plate. Shims should fit flush and may have seams. Ideally they will be seamless if possible to the ab and/or back plate, resulting in a single seam between the ab/back rather than extra seams for where the shims are joined.

* Thermal detonator should have metal clips approximately 1 inch wide, and should be all gray without silver stickers or silver paint.

* Tears/Traps should be hand painted, or if decals are used should emulate hand painting

* E-11 blasters should have correct ANH detailing:

* Correct T-tracks (total of 6)

* Folding stock (does not need to function)

* Hengstler counter

* D-ring on the rear

* Correct style scope

* Modified Hasbro’s are discouraged but allowed



ANH Hero Stormtroopers may have:

* MG-34 is allowed but upgrading an MG-34 to DTL-19 is highly encouraged. A DL-19 is a MG-34 with T-racks on the barrel, ejection port cover added, small disk on left side added.

* SE-14R Stormtrooper pistol

* Grappling hook

* Comlink

* If a grappling hook and comlink are worn together, they should be worn in lieu of a thermal detonator.

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I'm TK-8290. I was wondering if there is someone who would be willing to take a look at my armor and let me know what I need to do for making it within standard. I think there might be a few things I need to fix, but need some mentoring :huh: Thanks


I thought the bubble lenses were green tinted. There are some sceens where you can see them and they look green. Just my 2 cents.


Thanks for all the nice info.

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I'm TK-8290. I was wondering if there is someone who would be willing to take a look at my armor and let me know what I need to do for making it within standard. I think there might be a few things I need to fix, but need some mentoring :huh: Thanks


Post up some pics and you will get a wealth of great feedback.

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