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Having had my Jimmiroquai FOTK approved in June this year I am looking to modify the kit with spares so that I can alternate between the FOTK and FOJE for future troops.


Having been researching and sharing information extensively for some time I have started to acquire the necessary parts for the upgrade.


Jimmi was quick to respond to my call for new parts and within a week I received new shoulder bells and yoke...




And I"ve been toying with sizing for a new TD end cap using the lid of a spray oil can - yet to be painted black!...






Not much more work will take place for a week or so owing to a large Con here in Sydney and a few other FOTK commitments.


Hope to share more soon ;)


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Awesome. You spray canning or car wrap? 

I’m going rattle can so I’ll have FOTK and then FOJE separates.

I’m waiting on the bucket to be able to make real progress.

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16 hours ago, MStalkid said:

How you planning on painting the matte black vs gloss white with sealing? I know clear coating a pure white is easy,  but how do you plan on it with the two different finishes?

I was actually divesting the same.  Only proper method would be to paint white and clearcoat. then mask off the area not to paint.  The area that will get paint, run 400w sand then seal and paint the black satin.   Im just going to sand and paint personally and review hte results. 


Hope this helps

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How you planning on painting the matte black vs gloss white with sealing? I know clear coating a pure white is easy,  but how do you plan on it with the two different finishes?

TBH I haven’t given it a lot of thought yet. I won’t be going full build until mid-October.

I’ll update once I’ve decided but, for now, you could follow Andy’s suggestion above.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been able to make good use of the good weather and some occasional free time to move this project along. I had also been waiting on the arrival of some paints from interstate so the stars aligned this week!


First job was to give the yoke and bells a good sand and wash. A relatively quick and easy job. I should note that the spares I received from Jim are v5 and are so much lighter and smoother than my v4 kit. He and his team have worked miracles!




Next up I was able to lay down a primer/filler layer...






And after a good dry I was able to tackle some of the pinholes with 3M Glaze and Spot Putty. I LOVE this stuff! So good to work with...




A day passed and I was able to give a wet sand...




Before hitting with another layer of primer/filler the next day...




One more round of bondo that night...




And after a further wet sand I was ready to lay down the matte black on the bells.  I decided to use the Rust-oleum Universal Flat Black for no other reason than I used the same brand/type in White Gloss for my kit.




The paint went down well...




...and after two coats and half-an-hour of waiting I was left with deeply satisfying black matte bells...




It has been five days since I started but really a matter of an hours work in total. I'm loving this mod! 


Decals of the First Order insignia have been ordered from an eBay vendor I have been dealing with for a while. Have ordered both 2.5" and 2.75" as I'm still not convinced which is right for the Jim bells. In a week or so I'll know!


Latest news on the new helm is that, all going well, it is just weeks away. That will be a more complicated paint exercise but having already successfully resprayed an Anovos standard bucket I feel prepared for what is to come.


And then there's the matter of the Laser Ax. Obviously not required for approval but a necessary part to complete this build. After an update today I believe it will be heading my way this weekend :)


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