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Trooper Armor for a big guy!


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Hey Guys,

I am looking to build me a First Order Stormtrooper or Flametrooper. With FN Armor identified as a recast, I have the problem of finding a kit which will fit best to a 6,6 ft guy with 350+lbs. 


Which kit is bigger ? Jimmiroquai or KBs? Which I consider both very high quality.


Thanks! Any Ideas of how big they are?


Please help!!!!



In Addition: I am very grateful for the effort clint put in to analyze the quality and the whole recast discussion. Thank you very much

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I would shoot both of them messages to ask the makers directly, but IIRC from my last exchange from them, either armor would fit me (6'3", #220) but I was at one of the extremes of what they could handle. I'm definitely out of the range Anovos' armor can handle. I would be surprised if either armor is going to fit you, given your size. :(


The FO TK armor is just not as well suited to being adapted to fit larger bodies as the OT TK was.

Edited by kman
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I think you are outside the guidelines for fit...you may have issues in arm and leg sizing without a ...lot...of work. Depending on torso shape the yoke and neck might be difficult to size as well. I recall a bodybuilder having to mess with his alpha kit to safely don the yoke and arms and thighs and calves.

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I am 6 foot 245 lbs and I was maxed out on my Jimmiroquai kit in several areas. As-is the biceps cut off circulation and the chest and back didn't connect under my armpits. The yolk/back and chest is awkward on these kits with how they go together and the TD and abs need to fit under them so that limits space. It feels like fabricating existing kits isn't the answer, more so that a large kit would need to be produced.

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Scout. Tie pilot. Atat driver are rare and well loved. I'm only going to suggest what I always do:. Take a full body picture, and draw a stormtrooper into your frame. How does it look?

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In my surroundings, there are already some (original) troopers  (incl. females). AT-AT and Tie Pilots too! So I really would love to have something more unique.

I can see the difficulty in this. I am very tempted to find a company which can mold plastic. Which of course will increase the cost by far. 


I am very grateful for all your help. I will check in if there is a more fitting armour for maybe ROTJ Trooper or a Sandtrooper! 

Thanks guys! 

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