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Back of shins and velcro; cover strip location?

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I've heard conflicting stories on what's acceptable as far as attaching the rear 25mm cover strip to the shins and the velcro that goes underneath.  I'm only going for basic approval, but does it matter at any level, and which one is correct?


Option 1:

Cover strip is fully attached (all 25mm) to the overlapping shin piece and the velcro goes under the shin piece. (photo below does not show velcro and the cover strips on not real, they are for illustration purposes only).


Option 2:

Cover strip is only half-attached to the shin piece, and the velcro is attached to the cover strip only.  12.5mm glued to shin piece, and the other 12.5mm of the cover strip has velcro.


Also, how much velcro should there be?

Again, I've heard conflicting information; some say there must be velcro all the way down the shin, and others just use a few pieces (top/bottom/middle).



Option 1:



Option 2:


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I'll go with door #2. And make sure you attach to outside edge of shin of both legs. I know you know that, I'm just saying that for the viewers at home.

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Yes option 2 and full length Velcro, it is how I did mine and many troopers on here and in my garrison do it. It works very well.



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Thanks guys. I really appreciate the responses.

Now to cut off 12.5mm...


BTW, do you ONLY have the Velcro on the back of the cover strip (12.5mm) or more that carries over onto the shin piece?

Seems like it should only be on the strip, but I just want to confirm.


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