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Where to start building my armor?

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Just creating cosplay outfits in general is something new to me I have bought ones that were pre-made for me but with doing a star wars cosplay more specifically a sandtrooper armor I would like to make armor that I feel proud of wether its showing it off at cons or entering costume contests or perhaps becoming apart of the 501st. My skills in making outfits for cosplaying are non-existent but I wanna change that with this sandtrooper armor. I just am clueless where to start. Do I go out and get a kit and put it together or what?

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You've got the basic idea, yes.  Here is the proper starting point for researching the armor kits:  http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/11538-the-various-types-of-armor-and-where-to-find-them/


This hobby is one that requires quite a bit of research.  I'm talking "Nearly college graduate thesis levels" of research.  There is a lot of information out there, but the FISD pretty much makes itself a one stop shopping spot for Stormtrooper Cadets.  The keys to a successful build are research, research, research, and patience.  :)  You've got to put in some ground work so you know which questions you need to ask.  If you've done the research and still have a question that you can't figure out, you'll have no problem getting an answer here.

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 Do I go out and get a kit and put it together or what?

That's how it usually starts, young man!  But Tim speaks wise words regarding your research. The proper armor for your body type will make the process go much better. This type of investment is definitely something where you want to have have a solid plan of attach and NOT figure it out as you go.

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Thank you!! I am curious though while I have given this site a few reads and understand that it is best to avoid buying armor from ebay at least if your armor goal is to eventual be apart of the 501st. Would it be provided from the armor makers from the topic that Tim suggested of getting things like the neck seals or the black outfit you wear underneath the armor or if I looked it up right the pauldron the shoulder pad that specifically sandtroopers wear? I mean if the eventual goal is to be apart of the 501st do they suggest none of your outfit be bought from ebay if it its one or two significant things that just seemed easier to buy from? 

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Also check out Trooperbay, Mike the owner is also a member of the 501st.



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