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Getting started section, have a look at the different armor and sizing, work out what you can afford and what fits you, then on to the How too's and tutorials ;)

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Is your other thread not exactly the same question? Start with the newbie section, and then research, research, research.


That is always first, then buying is second, then building is third. Covered in between by lots more research and specific questions depending on what armor you have bought.

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I think you're jumping the gun a little.  You should really decide what type of armor you want, choose a vendor, and get a set delivered.  During that time, you can look at other people's builds who also are building your particular set to get an idea of how it all goes together.  Then once you get your set, make a build thread and questions like what to build first will be right at home there.

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That's why I said, first, second, third steps above. You need to buy the armor, before you get in the details. The time spent waiting for the armor will allow you to do heaps of research and you'll learn all the terms used. There's even a handy acronym thread http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/9510-common-acronyms/ to help you out.

Edited by Sith Lord
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Don't worry Christian you'll be fine. We were all where you are now. I'm only two steps ahead of you; receiving 'the package' this Monday. What you should do is contact your local garrison and see if anyone can help you with proper fitting and construction. I'm having a 'Armor Party' next weekend.

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Don't worry Christian you'll be fine. We were all where you are now. I'm only two steps ahead of you; receiving 'the package' this Monday. What you should do is contact your local garrison and see if anyone can help you with proper fitting and construction. I'm having a 'Armor Party' next weekend.

Do you live in Lubbock as well ?
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No, sorry I'm near Cleveland OH. Local Garrison is the group of other people who are relatively close to each other that have their own website that you can contact and possibly meet up. They also set up events that you can attend in costume once you are officially accepted by the 501st

And what do you mean local garrison?

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Also, in regards to your local Garrison, the Star Garrison will not grant you access to their webpage/forums unless you are an active Legion member.


What you'll want to do is head on over to Facebook, and lookup the following group: Imperial Academy - Star Garrison Recruit Page.


That's where all of the Star Garrison Recruits hang out to talk about stuff like armor parties, and assist each other by sharing photos, getting advice, etc.

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