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The squeaky wheel


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I just wanted to apologize to everyone for raising a few questions that I didn't fully understand and for speaking my mind about it. Apparently the status quo is good enough for most people and poking the proverbial dragon is not an option to be explored within the walls of this forum, so who am I to disrupt the natural flow of the atmosphere here.


Not that I'm bitter about getting a thread closed, but I do feel a little disappointed that such things can't be discussed openly and without prejudice. Perhaps I just don't belong here and should seek the answers to my questions elsewhere. Sadly, I was just starting to like everyone and thought there was a good chance for some lasting friendships... oh well, better luck next time I guess.


Again, as Han said to Wuher, "Sorry about the mess." :(

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I think you might be over-reacting to the process. If you go and read the threads, you will see much of this has been discussed at length, and there has never been anything more than what was originally answered in your thread.


While the idea of a commercially produced, high quality set of armor is appealing to many, the simple fact is LFL is not going to just "allow" that to happen without some compensation, i.e. license fee. The main reason GF was shut down originally was because he did not have permission to do what was done, even though it was in the spirit of fandom.


The 501st exists in a large part because of the fan base, and the rules and the charter state we cannot sell 501st products for profit. Some might even go so fas as to say this includes the armor parts we build. The whole idea here is that no one who produces armor now is willing to push it that far, and that is OK by them, and it is OK by me. If you wanted to do a fan sculpt and sell it on the open market; no one will stop you. As an individual, you certainly have that right. I think it would not end well, but you could do that. I also believe that no other armor/prop makers would follow your lead and step out boldly and announce they are selling Star Wars props to the masses, and will be making huge production runs.


I can only imagine what eFX paid to be the new licensee for Star Wars products, and I don't know too many people who have that type of money to pay for the opportunity to be an "officially licensed product." Without that, every person who makes a Star Wars prop is one step away from an copyright infringement lawsuit. So, you can see why most don't want to push it too far.


This is a great group of Star Wars fans who love the TK. I know I have learned so much since I landed here, and I thank God I found this forum, and the people who make up its members. Try to understand that, as well all really just want to be 'Troopers most of all.



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This is a great group of Star Wars fans who love the TK. I know I have learned so much since I landed here, and I thank God I found this forum, and the people who make up its members. Try to understand that, as well all really just want to be 'Troopers most of all.



Here Here! :duim::salute::pint1:

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Arthur, I dint think any of the tk's that post hear think ill of you I know i dont. But i do ask that you take some time to take a GOOD look around and see what makes up this GRATE site. I think if you sit down and take it all in you to will have the same respect for the people and things they wright and maybe you will under stand why we do and say the things we do. I for one will thank you for provoking thought proses and showing me I do love this board. I do respect all of its members and the things they say, that includes you.

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I don't think anyone intended to ride you out on a rail, Arthur. I think it was just becoming clear that the topic wasn't going anywhere productive. It was everyone trying to offer their .02 regarding your question, and you didn't agree. Stalemate. Let's all move along :)



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I understand what you're all saying and I'm cool with that. As I said before, I wasn't offended by the closing of the thread in any way. All I was trying to do was find out what everyone thought and hopefully get some gray matter churning... complacency is the first step to oppression and all that. :lol: I have been reading most of the older threads, but sometimes I get ahead of myself when looking for definitive answers, so please forgive my impatience.


So for the sake of everyone's sanity (including my own) I'll just sit back for a while and soak it all in. Then we'll go from there. ;)

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There's a lot to be read. And it takes time to process it all. Sometimes, it takes a lifetime.


I've loved Imperial trappings since before I can remember. My parents took me to see Star Wars with them at Cinerama here in Seattle when I was 2½ years old. Got the action figure assortments through the Sears catalogue for Christmas many years running. By the time The Empire Strikes Back came out, I was thoroughly caught up in the story, and the appearance of Vader's fleet and flagship broke my brain. By the end of 1981 I had quite a collection going -- almost all "good guys" so I could pursue and capture them with my Vader and his bounty hunters. ;) When Return of the Jedi came out I was instantly besotted with the Royal Guards.


When I found out about the 501st in late 2001 (hey, I was in Japan in '97), I knew which costume I wanted to do (which I wanted to do first, as it would turn out). I spent the next year and a half researching, gathering materials, and getting to know my local Garrison. I attended several events as a squire -- I helped dress and undress, I spotted, I did things and ran errands for the folks who were in costume or couldn't get away. I made myself useful. I got to know MaraJadesFather and TrooperExpert on the Dewback Wing boards, hung out at the RPF...


Then I moved to Vegas and had a hellacious fall as my heath issues got worse. Things turned around enough in early '05 that I was able to contact and start squiring for the Neon City Garrison at the Episode III premiere. Then I came up here to Washington to visit my parents for their birthdays and my health bottomed out. Six months later I was okay enough again to resume researching and accumulating materials. My Royal Guard costume was finally wearably done back in November. I'm still working on my own Crimson Empire armour, and gong to make a new inner tunic tailored to fit over that, and I am working on red suede Crimson Empire thigh boots with CA Boots. My helmet project is likely to take a little longer.


In the meantime, I've also been working on other costumes of interest, again researching and gathering materials. I got my sweetie's Biker Scout to almost-Lancer quality in time for her to wear it at CIV, and she's been learning and is ready to take a more active role in her costuming. I now have started on my TE2 Stormtrooper costume. Because I knew TE back when he was still doing this and knew that some form of that was what I wanted. I have seen and worked on AP and FX. I have seen a lot of pictures of GF and TM. They all have their pros and cons, but the TE2 is my choice and the man is a sweetheart to deal with.


This is not a hobby for the impatient or the easily-discouraged. It was six years from my finding out about the 501st to my having a wearable-but-not-finished Royal Guard costume. And longer until I have a finished TK. I've used that time to expand my knowledge base, and have much of the research and a lot of the matériel-gathering underway for the other two dozen costumes I've decided to do. So far I haven't bought anything off eBay. I've scoured the message boards, gotten to know the communities, asked questions when I needed to -- without naming names, PMed as much as possble to keep it off the public boards... And I also intend to make my knowledge and skill available to the rest of my community. Heck, only eight or nine of those costumes are for me. The rest are for friends. :)


I'm going to be making small runs of my Crimson Empire armour for that comm. Probably a run twice as large as those combined for my Storm Commando, with help from a couple other armourers. Once I have the mix right, I'm going to be offering raw yardage of custom-dyed olive-khaki wool gabardine for people doing the grey-green Imperial Officer uniforms. *shrug* It's kind of a two-axis graph -- the further away from a finished product, and/or the further away from the movies themselves, the less likely to attract official notice.


Keep all that in mind (!) during your wanderings in here. :)



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