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Anyone heard about this?


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Interesting :)


I love this story....NASA, in a desperate search to get a pen that would still work in zero gravity, spent millions on a device that would write upside down, sideways and all in zero G. The ink always flowed to the nib and wrote well.


The Russians used a pencil

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Kind of exciting actually. I've alway wondered if I would live to see the end of the world. Otherwise it would be like falling asleep before the movie is over.

It's been a good movie. I hope there's a sequel.

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While that would suck...it sure does look like some type of viral marketing. Anyone know of any game that's coming out? To me the contrived attempt at spirituality in the last paragraph just seems too Hollywood. If this was for real and the person writting it was really concerned the last thing I would expect them to use is some esoteric term for God like "Great Spirit". There are no atheists in fox holes and most people play it safe by calling God "God". Anyways, when's the armor party and do I need to bring chips! ^_^

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They've been showing it missing the Earth since they've been tracking it. The chances were far less than 50/50, something like 1 in several thousand, even in the last few weeks. 300,000 miles is close, but the moon is an average of 238,855 miles away to put that into perspective. "Close to satellites" :lol: News is best gotten from multiple sources.

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