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New to Armor

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The answer is - it depends. :mellow:


It depends on the type of kit you have (a BIG decision in and of itself and one not to be taken lightly given the expense involved), how much experience you have in doing this sort of thing, how many hours a day or week you are willing to put in, how much local help you can muster, how well-equipped you are in terms of required tools and supplies, etc. Fortunately you have the Georgia Garrison right there - they're a great bunch and will help get you sorted when the time comes.


Having a kit built in time for DragonCon (first weekend in September) is absolutely doable, even for a novice. However, each kit has to be custom-fitted to the individual. Being pregnant, your body is going to go through some massive changes both during and after the pregnancy. If it were me - and of course it never will be - I'd want to ensure I had my pre-pregnancy body back prior to assembling a TK costume. Once built, they are not easily modified to accomodate body changes.


Oh, and congratulations BTW. When do you expect to give birth?

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The answer is - it depends. :mellow:


It depends on the type of kit you have (a BIG decision in and of itself and one not to be taken lightly given the expense involved), how much experience you have in doing this sort of thing, how many hours a day or week you are willing to put in, how much local help you can muster, how well-equipped you are in terms of required tools and supplies, etc. Fortunately you have the Georgia Garrison right there - they're a great bunch and will help get you sorted when the time comes.


Having a kit built in time for DragonCon (first weekend in September) is absolutely doable, even for a novice. However, each kit has to be custom-fitted to the individual. Being pregnant, your body is going to go through some massive changes both during and after the pregnancy. If it were me - and of course it never will be - I'd want to ensure I had my pre-pregnancy body back prior to assembling a TK costume. Once built, they are not easily modified to accomodate body changes.


Oh, and congratulations BTW. When do you expect to give birth?



I am due at the end of June. I am hoping to find someone to do it for since I am no good at building anything.

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Congratz Meagan, do you know if it's a boy or a girl?



You local 501st can help you with your armor build. Georgia Garrison link: http://www.ga501st.com/ jump on and introduce yourself over on your local Garrison's forum, and get to know them.


The members of the Georgia Garrison can also give you advice + hands on help, with your armor when you get it.


Do your research, I get you links over on your intro that will help you.

Edited by RogueTrooper
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Congrats! You need to find some minions to help! B) It can be a lot of fun messing with armor, but always gerat to find people who have done it before. Like other said, contact your local garrison and see if you can get with them. Even just seeing a completed kit really helps you understand what it takes to do one!

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Hi Megan, and congrats on your new addition :)


I am building my armor in time for Dragon*Con as well, hope to meet you there! My advice is to make the decision on which armor fits what you are looking for, and get it ordered. Some have an 8 week waiting list, and the build itself can take a while, from my understanding. I am also new, so I'm looking to take my sweet time to get everything just right.


There is a lot you can be doing between now and June, as far as accessorizing goes.

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Hi Megan Congratulations,

I am new too and I completely agree with what has been said by all parties. If you need help ask for it, our motto is Troopers helping Troopers and that is what we will do. Being new I agree with Sarathe spend some time reading about builds and mods and what you can pick up while you are waiting. I ordered an AP kit which could take some time to come in. In the meantime and in my case, I am going Sandtrooper, I could get an undersuit, boots, pauldron,pouches, neckseal, blaster, Any modification to the helmet parts, and the list goes on. That way you can be working on your goal while still waiting and in the meantime learning. You tube Mikes garage that will give you some insight in the build process and some tools etc. Also, feel free to jump around and look at some other costumes and maybe you may like to do a TB or something else and that could change the outcome. Either way welcome and congratulations.



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I'm gonna sound like a parrot, but yeah. Do all that's been said already.

Hold off with the armor untill AFTER you've given birth and you're back on your feet.

It honestly doesn't take forever to get your armor fitted.

Get hold of other things in the meantime. Blaster, Neckseal, Fan, Microphone, holster.

You might want to hold off ordering an undersuit as well. Although it has some give, as you've no idea how big - or small you'll be after you give birth, it's better to wait and see.

You could get shoes, but don't your feet sometimes swell up?

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