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Everything posted by Blaze

  1. So far so good. - free entry -water bottle - bobble heads - sustenance -
  2. Um...what about getting free-admission to the places you troop at? I can justify paying for the armor to entertain people and raise money for charity but I couldn't justify paying admission for each event I'm invited to troop at (carnivals, conventions, fairs, museums, aquariums, sporting events, theme parks). That would be cost prohibitive for me since I'm not made of money, unfortunately. Also, paying to work for free to promote other people and all doesn't sound all that fair. So hopefully those places let you go there for free with a buddy to carry your stuff on your troop day.
  3. Does anyone ever give you free stuff when trooping? Have you ever received a freebie? (this includes free admission to places, tickets to ride stuff) Has anyone ever tipped you? (I know that's not the point of trooping but I also know a lot of people are pushy and insist a lot and feel bad if you don't accept whatever they want to give you. The tip could be then donated to a charity, of course)
  4. Wow thank you and to everyone that's given me tips so far, I'm taking a look at those helmets right now. Hopefully I can get just the AP armor and maybe an ANH to go with it. I'll start emailing~. The ANH has a seam down the center which I'm kind of concerned about though. If anyone else has any measurements or advice, chime in as soon as you can.
  5. I'd like to do that... ...hey....hey where'd...where'd everybody go?.... "hellloooooo.....heeelllooooooooo?" - seinfeld
  6. I'd go for that too but I'm an video artist with hopes of becoming a director. There's always risks with any surgery so some people unfortunately don't have such great luck post laser eye surgery. I've heard of some people not being able to see the color black accurately after that. Although my dad had it done and it worked out great for him, I still don't want to risk it just yet.
  7. hmm...so it seems to fit some people with glasses and doesn't fit others at all without glasses :L Since I'm right back where I started I thought I'd try a scientific approach. I went ahead and measured my jug-head and took pictures. Attached is a traced image of myself with my measurements in inches. If anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated! Measure your head or measure the helmet. Anything helps. I'd hate to realize it didn't fit me after putting it together.
  8. when you "trace the line with the cutter" is it okay to do it as if you were painting? (repeating the strokes) or is it necessary to go from the beginning of the line to the end in one motion each time? ..and is the "tracing and then folding until it breaks" the same way you do the big pieces like the back and chest or do those require a different technique since there's so much plastic? excellent tutorial btw I'm going to refer to this a lot, I can see.
  9. so it can be a A New Hope or Return of the Jedi depending on how you paint it?
  10. this looks exactly like something I'd like to do. Way to go!
  11. I wonder what an FX looks like beside all those~
  12. increible! I wish you were my mentor. My storm-entor
  13. totally. The golden gate garrison only seems to have one public event scheduled and that's the San Jose Parade which is really far off. If I had a armor I'd be trooping day in day out. Even at the office and while buying a sammich at a subway store. cmon guys get with it!
  14. I have but I'm not entirely sure that'd work. Especially if the distance is over about an inch from my eyes to the lenses. Because my eyes wouldn't be able to see up to the lens and then past it :L I'm super-nearsighted. I wasn't kidding about the "blind as a bat" deal~ That's an excellent idea about getting lenses made for it. If everything goes to hell then I may just have to invest in some prescription lenses, although I really want anyone to be able to wear the helmet should they feel like it.
  15. Thanks guys! I didn't think I'd get so many responses so fast. I'd still like to hear from more AP and FX bucket wearers if there are still more out there. Darn my eye allergies. I could wear disposable contacts comfortably on the first day I got them and three months later my eyes wouldn't stand more than a minute of wearing them and they would get bloodshot and so watery I wasn't able to see well enough to take them out. The doc said to never wear them again. I tried every brand and type and it was still a no-go. I have lenses thick as a magnifying glass so if the curvature of the lens or Inter Papillary Distance is funny then I get dizzy. Nobody wants to see a stormtrooper use his bucket as an airsick bag. Well except for everyone on Youtube. Even my prescription sunglasses make me a little dizzy because of their slight curve. Bah! when will the imperial alliance support us 4eyes? I still want to get suited up in ap armor so maybe just maybe I'll be able to fit into it if more people reply. FX only interests me when it's battle damaged :L 8D
  16. I apologize if this has already been discussed but I've searched for this and haven't found an answer. What helmets can accommodate eyewear (glasses - corrective lenses)? Maybe you guys could measure your heads at various points and list the diameters. -at Forehead height: -at eyewear height (with,without glasses or sunglasses): -at nose height: -bucket type: -bucket accessories that might alter the size: -comfort level: -do the glasses/sunglasses squish or bend when worn with the helmet on? I read about some users getting goggles made but I have an extremely tricky prescription to get right so I couldn't possibly get flexible frames for this. It took years to get the prescription perfected so I wouldn't get nauseous. The lenses are too thick and I'm blind as a bat so my frames have to be like perfectly calibrated at all times. I wore disposable contacts for a while and loved them but due to eye allergies I had to stop wearing them since seeing became impossible.... that being said I'd still like to join the 501st as a Stormtrooper. Oh did I forget to mention the fact that I have a huge melon-head and a great big schnozz. Most hat-wear is out of the question for me Also if anyone has any leads on who I could speak to about perhaps acquiring AP armor in the not too distant future then that'd be great~ My time has come ...kinda
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