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Everything posted by Schaf

  1. Hi there, please send me a PM with your username on Forcepike.com and I will get this issue solved. We (as many other boards) had severe probs with spam accounts and people who wanted to tell us that we need viagra. I'm sorry that not everything works smooth yet. It is not easy to filter out the "real" persons from the spamthings... like Seth wrote. Forcepike has internal parts as well, if a user wants access to 501st only parts he has to contact a mod. Sorry again Andrea "Schaf" TR detachment MO
  2. in here? well then I'll start I'm right now listed as 501st member but I'm a 501st trooper(ette) My membership profile
  3. Schaf

    501st in my area

    kennt ihr euch schon?? Oliver, der Hopps hat Ahnung, da bist du gut aufgehoben Hopps: Na dann frag doch mal ganz nett Aufm BSN solls jetzt auch nen internationalen teil geben... und ich meine ich h?tte den gestern schon gesehn... heut ist er weg *gr?bel*
  4. Ah... seems that my "send them pics"-posting in our boards worked *lol* EDIT: One of our members sent me that pic in a PM. It is a MFX front view. http://www.hosting.cback.de/pics/storm001.jpg
  5. Schaf

    501st in my area

    *lol* thank you I swear not to swear....
  6. Schaf

    501st in my area

    *hehe* na dann werde ich mal schauen ob ich dir ein paar unserer jungs "auf den Hals hetzen" kann Ich werde den beitrag hier in unserem Forum verlinken. In der n?he von Freiburg gibts meines wissens nach noch keine. In Schwenningen gibts mittlerweile einen, dann in der gegend um stuggi sinds viele... karlsruh und mannheim sind auch imperial besetzt @all who cant speak German: I hope it is OK for you all that we write german in here. If it is not OK let me know, then I'll post bilingual!
  7. Schaf

    501st in my area

    *tadaaa* wir mussten das ?ffentliche forum aufgrund von wiederholten hackerangriffen schlie?en. es wird dran gearbeitet aber bisher ist noch nicht bekannt wie es da weitergehen soll. Wenn du fragen hast dann stell sie, ich kann vielleicht nicht jede beantworten, aber ich kenne leute die es k?nnen
  8. I will ask in our boards for good pics of the MFX armor.
  9. I know that problem... not necessarily from this board but there is the legion boards, the garrison boards, BSN, the sovereign protectors board, kraytclan and 5 or 6 others *lol*
  10. Schaf

    Rose Parade

    like this?? *lol* i belong to those who were in the videos but were not chosen. I wish you all a good time in pasadena. My envy is with you all
  11. just for me? i feel honored now thanks!
  12. i own a MFX. It is not the same as an FX, so where to vote?
  13. Hi Rachel, my first boots where colored black Jodphur boots as well. I cant really recommend it. i had to repaint them everytime i had them on, because the lower leg armor scratched the color off and the original black was visible again. i used some special leather colour. Try to find some white boots, that will be better. Greetings from Germany Andrea
  14. Cool i live in Ludwigsburg, 20 km north of stuttgart. It is a pity that we didnt know of you a bit earlier, you could have joined us in some recent promotion troops for the Lego game
  15. Hey Parabellum, that looks like a whole lot of fun!! on which base are you? i saw that it must be somewhere close to where i live as you are listed in the same Squad as me
  16. the shuttle is a normal street car (renault espace if i know right) the shuttle-part is an extra part made of cloth and wood that is fixed to the roof racks
  17. Congrats to us where is the party?
  18. Hi there, last weekend (21st October 2006) the German Garrison sent a small group of troopers to the far north of the country to make sure that the Freimarkt parade there is not infiltrated by rebel scum 8 troopers, a 2.55m tall wampa and an imperial shuttle found their way to Bremen. We had a great day, it was like carneval but without the cold weather. Thousands of spectators (press said more than 200000) were there to watch the parade in which 154 groups marched (we were the lucky number 10). Here some pics:
  19. some of you have their whole toolbox with you while trooping it seems for armor emergencies i have usually only: -white and black tape -velcro -hot glue and hot glue pistol -needle and thread -some band aid additional stuff is: -camera + spare batteries -patches/cards to trade (only at multi garrison events or bigger events) -temp. tattoos/flyers as give aways -garrison lanyard + badge -shower out of the can (deodorant) <- very important -new tshirt.
  20. Hmmm... i did not see that one yet... maybe it is an option. Thanks for posting
  21. nice drawings... a mix of everything *lol*
  22. My suit is complete MovieFX (yes i know *lol*) it is mainly ANH i guess...
  23. Hi, i still have my thermal detonator unassembled over here, but i'd prefer to have this hook thing that Luke has when using the TK armor on the death star. You know what i mean? Does anyone here have a tutorial for making this or knows someone who sells it? Thanks in advance Andrea
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