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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by 501stCitizen

  1. Congrats! So exciting to see another Centurion Valkyrie on board! Welcome!
  2. Barry Hicks 52586 Letter TKSpartan Thanks you! Way to go, brother! https://www.whitearmor.net/eib/certificates/52586-centurion.png
  3. Barry Hicks 52586 EIB Letter TKSpartan Thank you! My pleasure, Barry... see you at Centurion! https://www.whitearmor.net/eib/certificates/52586-eib.png
  4. WOOOOO HOOOO!!!!! Boom! Thank you guys! I'm so Happy right now! *Squee!* Thank you to so many of you who helped me along the way. It helped me to get to here.
  5. Well I've got two for you TKs. I can't say they are great, but they were fun to make...
  6. Yeah, it was suggested to me as well, hence the trimming. Your build looks great! Best of luck Trooper!
  7. One of the many reasons to get this out of the ballpark. I really wanted to order both the EI and Centurion before the run is closed. My local TK's gave me my first FISD patch the other day. I'm so excited to order them and get my certificates! And my first troop in my Garrison as a TK will be at Centurion level.
  8. Name: Barry Hicks FISD: 501stCitizen Garrison: Carida Height: 5'-8" Weight: 180lbs Armor and helmet maker: Dave’s Darkside Depot Blaster maker: HFx Productions Boot Maker: Roamers Canvas Belt Maker: Unknown Handguards: Justjoseph63 Holster: DarmansProps EIB Status Link I am also including two photos from before because they turned out better in detail for the above shots Thank you everyone again for your help in getting me to this point. It is definitely appreciated!
  9. Happy New Years to you as well!
  10. I am going to be using the hearing assist, so I will make sure all the holes have no white showing through. Already hit up the edge that was mentioned for the forearm. I'll hit up the button plate, detonator and the blaster asap and get photos in (hopefully tomorrow). Thank you again! Great to be on the right track. One more milestone and I'll be up there with the Centurions! WOO HOO! And here's to all of you for a Happy New Years! My TK dreaming of what the New Year will bring!
  11. I get it and I'm just happy to be in the process line! I made it this far. That's a pretty rockin Christmas gift to myself! I hope everyone has a fantastic time with their friends and family. I know I am. Merry Christmas!
  12. I went ahead and made the change and updated my photos. Thanks again for the sharp eye!
  13. Oh thank you! I love the way to fix it! I will take that and use it. I'll get that fixed asap! Thanks for the heads up.
  14. Thanks! And I will fix that spot up! Thanks for the heads up for the Level 3. I plan on going that direction.
  15. Please! I need the assist! Wipe it all away! I will find good use for that space.
  16. Name: Barry Hicks TK-52586 https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=36299 FISD: 501stCitizen Garrison: Carida Height: 5'-8" Weight: 180lbs Armor and helmet maker: Dave’s Darkside Depot Blaster maker: HFx Productions Boot Maker: Roamers Canvas Belt Maker: Unknown Handguards: Justjoseph63 Holster: DarmansProps This armor originally belonged to member Frank17539. I took most of it completely apart and modified the parts to fit my body (female).
  17. I miss understood the directions for posting the images directly into the post. I thought they wanted them to be directly loaded to this site. I've been doing the Imgur thing for my personal posts as you know. I just figured they wanted copies for some weird reason directly uploaded to this site. I guess I'm just all excited and overthinking it. Thank you! I appreciate your help again! Time to take care of the images.
  18. Hi. I was uploading image for the EIB submission and realized my photos were too large (only half were uploaded). Can someone please clear them so I can upload smaller sized images? Thanks!
  19. Cool. Thanks for checking for me. I definitely appreciate it! I’ll just go ahead and leave it as “unknown”.
  20. Okay, so I have one more question/request. For the application, it asks for the manufacturer for certain items. One of the items (canvas belt) I'm not sure about and I asked the original owner, Frank Peranteau (Frank17539). He said it might be in his build thread, but I can't seem to find it and figured it might be archived. Any way I can get access to that board or have someone take a quick scan to get the information? He had the information on the other items because he had receipts for them on his computer. Or do I not need it and just supply the information on the other items? Thanks!
  21. Just curious about how long it takes to get access? I am hoping to submit pictures for EI. Sorry if I seem impatient, just asking as a "the more you know" thing. Thanks.
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