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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by DarthBiscuit

  1. May the Voice Be With You! (May 4, 2024)

    -Bast Alpha Garrison


    This wasn't submitted as an official troop, so I'm not counting it, but I still want it on the record! There were so many other events on May the Fourth that I didn't think them requesting 501st participation would work out.


    The Leader In Me group at Belle Chasse Academy held their last family event of the school year. With 2 kids enrolled, we offered my costuming and they were thrilled! They had dozens of activities and setup a picture area. When I wasn't posing with the families, I patrolled the area. It was an exhausting 2 hours, but I really think the kids enjoyed it!



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  2. FanExpo New Orleans 2024

    Blast-a-Trooper fundraiser for Make-a-Wish (Jan 7, 2024)

    -Bast Alpha Garrison


    I took a 3-hour shift to be shot with NERF darts for charity! We had a combined area with Rebel Legion, Mandalorian Mercs, and Droid Builders. The sets they had on hand were amazing! I explored the expo afterwards and finally found the LEGO Rancor we've needed! Lots of other vendors and celebrities (Katee Sackhoff visited the booth the day before I went).







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  3. Penny Wars 3rd Grade Celebration at Covington-Harper Elementary School (Sep 30, 2022)

    -Garrison Tyranus, Inferno (NOVA) Squad


    The Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) for Covington-Harper Elementary School (CHES) hosted a Penny Wars fundraiser where students, families, faculty, and staff donated to plus-up their group's jar or to reduce another group's. At the end of the week, 3rd grade won and earned a special glow dance party! About 150 kids in 6 classes came in for high fives, pictures, lightsaber battles, and some good old running around! It was only for 30 minutes, but the 3 of us (1 TK and 2 NOT Vaders) were DRENCHED IN SWEAT. Not posting pics/vids of the event to respect the children's privacy. We high fived them on the way out and then went classroom to classroom delivering glowsticks to the other grades. The audible gasp when we walked into each room is why we do this, right?







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  4. Arts Alive 2022! at Hylton Performing Arts Center (Sep 11, 2022)

    -Garrison Tyranus, Inferno (NOVA) Squad
    We hung out in our private dressing room for a while and then went backstage. After the Indiana Jones theme, the orchestra performed several Star Wars themes, beginning with Duel of the Fates! On the Imperial March, we went on stage and loomed over the audience! At its end, a boy in Jedi robes came out and we fled the stage. We hung out up front for pics with patrons and performers. My first troop is in the books!



    • Like 5
  5. I used Bondo 3004.7858 201224-4PK All Purpose Fiberglass Resin, 28.8 Fluid Ounces https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003ODJ8J4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_Sq1UaC3svrgCL. It was almost not enough, but yeah I coated the inside of everything for added strength and reduced itchiness! Use disposable brushes for it, otherwise you need something special (I forget what) to rinse your brush out (water doesn't work).

    • Like 1
  6. First off, glad to hear about the test! Fingers crossed they keep coming back negative!

    Excited that you finally got some work done! Helmet looks great! TD too! I think the thigh cuts look reasonable. I felt the same uneasiness, seeing different depth cuts in the movie, so I also opted to drop the inside for movement. Don't be surprised if you suit up and still need to trim down a little more...

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  7. TK-70017, a Rogue One Stormtrooper, reporting in!




    My journey started back in February, when I met up with a trooper and he showed me his costumes and the forums. I was hooked! I ordered my fiberglass R1TK bucket from Jimmiroquai and started working on it in April. In June I ordered his armor and two-piece undersuit. I finished just in time for Halloween and was approved as the 14th R1TK!! Let's see some more R1TKs!!


    My build thread and lessons learned:

    - I selected Jim's flexible fiberglass because I liked the crisp lines and thickness. It sounds more substantial than ABS when the pieces knock together, in my opinion.

    - Lots of sanding, spreading putty, and more sanding...

    - I spray painted with Rustoleum, about 6 cans of primer, 5 of satin white (for the interior), and 15 cans of gloss white.

    - I had issues with gloss clear overcoats, so I didn't do it, but that might've protected it better from some chipping that has already happened.

    - I used E6000, and then CA glue (when that started peeling away) to attach the ammo boxes to the belt. I may have to rivet them in the future...

    - The Gallery is insanely helpful in finding reference images!

    - In the words of @gmrhodes13, "Measure twice cut once (or in this case, trial fit then trim)."



    No blaster yet, but I'm looking into a 3D printer and will make an E-11 one of my first projects...


    A huge thanks to @11b30b4 and @TheRascalKing for documenting their R1TK processes, but especially to @gmrhodes13 for the constant and reliable insight!

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  8. I did it!!




    I gotta tell you, I'm also finishing up my master's degree right now. I just submitted the initial draft of my thesis to my advisors. BUT...receiving my approval to join the 501st through the Golden Gate Garrison from @RickyBoyBlue made me throw my arms up in triumph!! My wife rolled her eyes :laugh1:


    So proud to be joining this fine organization. Thanks for the support!! Just waiting on that TKID...

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