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Everything posted by Sn4k3

  1. Hi guys, i found a nice piece of thick black leather and i thought it would be an interesting experiment see if i can make a e-11 holster. I know i can buy a holster from several people but i just wanna know if i can do it. I have the patterns and the tools but, the sewing concerns me, i don't know the size of the thread, the distance of each stitch and the distance from the edge of the leather. Is there any "in between" takes, auction, private collection detailed photo of a screen used E-11 holster?, Has anyone seen one?. Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  2. Jejeje yeah, i notice, but someone with the same question could find useful the answers Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  3. I think is leaving a bit the teeth area, the crl says that its not supposed to leave the teeth area Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  4. Got it. So there is a product for UV protection, the P40 that he mention, have you tried? Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  5. Alright, does that products protect the abs from turning yellowish? Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  6. Has anyone tried to apply directly on the abs clear lacquer coat?. Can it be done without damaging the armor? Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  7. Hi guys, what about apply a clear coat directly on top of the abs? No primer no white paint. Has anybody dome that?
  8. I coming very late to the party, but still we can fill this thread for others. Do you mean the drop boxes? Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  9. Yes I'm following the mepd guide, thanks for the correction, now i see it was much needed
  10. You have said that you want to go to level a 3, that good. First you submit your photos to the commander of your local garrison and he we will get you a tk number, at that point you are a member of the 501st legion, after that, you submit your thread to be approve as a level 2 trooper, after be approved, you submit your thread to be approved as a level 3 trooper Since you want to be a level 3 troooer, the building and painting must be the very same as one specific trooper of your choice, could be any of your favourite trooper featured in ANH (since you have an anh armor), you have to imitate everything (armor mismatch, height of the brow, cracks, cuts) remember, the weapon is evaluated at level 2 and 3, you may have to build a bapty blaster (not sure on this last one). Bapty is the company that provided the weaponry for ANH, in the weaponry section of the forum you will find info about that. Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  11. Hi Stephanie, that faceplate is a stunt, your flat lenses are the correct ones Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  12. Hey friend, one of the best advices i got was: don't cut anything before being VERY sure. Do your research and ask. Don't start with the helmet, is better start with the arms of legs, they are easier and is good exercise to get a feel of what is like to work with the material Usually there are guide lines, if you dont have those, you need to be even more careful, look in the building threads with photos, measure the pieces a lot before commit to cut. Many pieces have in the very edge a curve, that curve is a good reference to know where to cut, draw a line with a sharpie using something straight and there is your cutting line. I'll show you a picture of that edge im talking about, remember, I'm not telling you in the image where to cut, its just for illustrate what i mean, so you get the indea Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  13. But... In the movies, they look chipped, like cracked by the leather bending, right?, Or am i imaging things? Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  14. The original were painted with... Common oil based paint? Or it really was shoe paint? Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  15. Your answer helps me, thanks for posting Can you gave me a link to the seller you buy your e6000? Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  16. Thanks buddy Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  17. Three days all clamped, i guess that what i need to do with this glue Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  18. Yeah, i see that now Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  19. Ok, I've read the document, it says that it is touch cured on about 25 mins, but in my experience is a bit less, even when the glue takes 3 full days to reach it full adhesion power you need to be fast to apply the glue and stick the pieces, and then 3 days of wait. I'm gonna need way more additional magnets Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  20. I see... The thing is, it seems like this e6000 plus does not endure effectively the tension of some pieces and they get separated. Anyway, i will read the pdf and see what can work around the issue Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  21. Do you have a direct link to this RWA guys? Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  22. Thanks Joseph, i was using the e6000 plus, but it does not glue things too well, for a moment i thought i got a fake, but maybe is just that version is not as effective as the classic e6000 Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  23. I saw that but still, I'm not entirely sure if the e6000 i see now are fake or not Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  24. Hi guys, how do you tell the difference between a real and a fake e6000? Im in Europe is case you want to suggest trustable sellers Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
  25. The helmet does look better The length of the forearm looks right Sent from my GM1900 using Tapatalk
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