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Posts posted by Frank75139

  1. thanks for the advice everyone, I found somebody in the Garrison that I’m wanting to join have a build tutorial on YouTube, his YouTube Account is called Panda Props & Costumes, if I get stuck on something I can always contact him, the video series he’s doing actually is using the AM Armour for a heavier guy like myself, funny thing is though, I’ve actually lost about 40 pounds so I’m a lot skinnier than I used to be, and by the time I actually get the kit I’ll be a lot skinnier by then.

    A healthier you is always best. And Panda makes good stuff, when you decide to start you should put up a build thread here so we can all watch.

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  2. Welcome! May I recommend looking into AM armor. It’s made for larger people stormtroopers that like cake lol. I was at my heaviest 260 and I had trimmed quite a bit off. I think you’d be fine in this and would pass basic no problem but you can reach out to the company and see what they say.

    Don’t settle for what other people think you should be, do what you want that’s what the 501st is all about. A bunch of nerds living their dream and making people happy. If you decide to proceed your in the right spot, we will help you out and you’ll get your TK numbers in no time.

    AM site


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  3. Stormtrooper Store is basically selling FX type armour. The boots are good, the soft pieces are generally good, much of the armour is good enough to work into acceptable 501st standards. The armour is very thick, which I like but it needs too much work to meet CRL standards. 
    That being said, I’m considering some of the special ops trooper designations that currently have no CRL outline that some aspects of this armour might be well suited for based on the ‘flaws’ in the FX design. I have a kit and will be modifying it and submitting for a new CRL guideline for an elite division. 

    Sounds interesting, do keep us informed of the progress.

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  4. On 3/12/2019 at 4:31 PM, Lionel Noronha Gallardo said:
    here it is guys
    As mentioned before, cut a piece of Eve rubber and place it as  shown the pic. For extra isolation  you can also cover  your mic head with  Eve rubber leaving an opening for your voice to go through .



    Is eve rubber a brand name?

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  5. Who did you buy it from and did you buy it all at once

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    AM Armor (TK510@juno.com). I bought the whole thing, over $700 I think. Again if you’ve read the start here and armor sections you’ll see AM is for bigger guys. I’m about 5’10” 240 pounds (260 at one point). So depending on your size you might be able to get a standard kit. I personally think the AM is a great sturdy armor and can be trimmed down to fit just about anyone of average size. All the armors will run about the same price give or take. With soft goods boots and everything else your gonna hit over $1000

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  6. I would love two costumes even three...
    How did you start your journey, did you buy ready to wear and the full costume or did you you do piece by piece?
    I’m pretty sure my brother in law has a friend in the 501st in the UK. I think he’s made a shoretrooper costume. I’ll have to ask him.

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    I built my TK myself. I was scared to cut it cause it cost a lot (to me it did). I think it took me a day to do a bicep cause I didn’t want to over cut and screw it up. After the first piece you kinda get the hang of things. And it’s a lot less stressful. I have AM armor which is great for non typical larger troopers. It’s very sturdy and even if I make a mistake they have pieces on hand so I could just purchase a new piece.
    Building is time consuming and takes up space. I used my garage (heated and finished) and it took me about 2 months, 10/17-12/17 and I became obsessed to get it done by the new year. I took a lot of days off from work and built nonstop. There is something to be said when someone says wow that’s really cool where did you buy it and you say I built it. I usually have to show my friends the pic on my phone of the box it all came in.

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  7. You’re totally right.
    I’m definitely an old school type of guy ops stormtrooper. Even though I also hav a liking to the scout troopers.
    I’m originally from Gosport England but now live in Runcorn Brisbane.
    I was definitely tempted by the “ready to wear “ outfit, but from the advice from everyone so far I’m definitely going to take my time and build my own.
    Thanks for the help and if it’s ok I’ll keep asking for advice.

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    I think within a month of getting my TK approved I stumbled upon a 90% finished Scout up for sale on the pathfinders forum that I “had” to have. You’ll find that TKs are iconic and fun but offer a smaller range of movement. Scouts on the other hand have more room to move around and have some more fun. TKs are definitely something that’s better off being made to your body style/type. Where as a Scout can be something you pick up second hand and tailor the straps to fit you. Its nice to have a choice depending on who is going to the troops from my garrison.

    Moral of this story....

    Have two costumes!

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  8. First pic looks like the biggest gap of them all. If you soak the plate in some hot water it’ll soften it up so you can bend it and make it a bit more contoured. You’ll find you don’t have to let is sit for hours but keep an eye on it.

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  9. Follow up to this.... My credit card company has refunded the money since the Company has not answered the repeated attempts to contact them. I don’t plan on doing this again anytime soon but I hesitate to say I’ll never do it again. If was definitely interesting and fun, and you never know.

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  10. Hey Michael we are completely ignoring you, we actually don’t want to help you, we all thought it would be easier this way....

    Just kidding.

    I tried clicking on the link through Tapatalk and it doesn’t even allow me to see anything. Not sure how old it is or if it works on the forum but through Tapatalk it is that it “does not exist or I do not have permission to view it”. I’d start the new thread and m just start off with the help needed.

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  11. Perfect, and totally in character.

    I played paintball quite a bit pre-kids and had issues with fogging, so I'm trying to err on the side of caution when trooping.

    I’ve heard stories about lenses fogging fast so I never experimented without them just used them from the beginning. The power supply cord broke so I lost them for a few hours. What a difference, I couldn’t see anything.

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  12. I have two fans and have no major issue hearing other then having a plastic helmet on. Even without fans at events you have a hard time hearing people due to background noise (music, people, machines). I tried the hearing assist and all it did was amplify background noise and I wasn’t getting amplification of the people I was talking to, plus I could never get ear buds to work properly, and speakers in there kept giving me high pitched feedback so I scrapped it. Did a troop without my fans for a few hours and my lenses fogged completely (apparently I’m full of hot air) and I couldn’t see. All of our troops have spotters who are familiar with the costumes either building or have one so they know to stay in your line of site and warn you when someone is behind you trying to get your attention. Other then that I try and read lips and if I can’t hear do the ol tap on the ears move so they think your intercom is broke and you can’t hear.

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  13. You can get fan kits on amazon to put together. I’d just purchase one premade. Unless you want to do something special with it all, the savings of doing it yourself might not be worth the little extra to buy one premade, considering you don’t want to do research and connecting it all would consist of a small amount of research.

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