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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by davej

  1. I currently have my TD screwed to my belt (one less thing I have to worry about ever falling off or being pulled off) I would like to keep this option, but didn't know if it would be possible with a canvas belt.

    Mine is held on to the belt with snaps , but some teenage hooligan managed to get it off my belt a couple of weeks ago . I'm thinking of epoxy glueing some of those little bolts from an old mecano set into the male part of the snap , and through the hole on the middle of the female part . Should hold it together nicely .


    Which leads me to ...

    To stop your belt from slipping, just add a couple of snaps to the inside of your belt and then a couple to your ab plate and your in business. The snaps are hidden by your belt and stops it from slipping.

    I've done this , and once you are all snugged in , you can't move the thing :)

  2. Went to my first troop over the weekend , and I don't know how many times I heard .. aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper ? Btw , I'm 5'10" and 170lbs , so NO , I'M NOT !!!


    Another one was ... ooh look , some Darth Vaders !! This happened twice .


    I teamed up with a sandy ( you know , I watch your back , you watch mine ) by the name of Katherine on sunday . People were coming up to us , congratulating us on our armour etc A common comment was ... good on you boys , nice job boys etc . When Kat answered back , she got back ... but you're a girl !!!

  3. ... Unless you fall down a flight of stairs, you're good.

    Well , you know , after a hard days slog , trooping with your mates ? A quick stop at the local cantina and a couple of Flaming Vaders later , you're falling all over the place ;) . Not only can Tk's not shoot straight , they can't hold their booze either ;)

    There are some very interesting things being discussed in this thread . As a relative newcomer to the TK scene , the FX suit is much easier to obtain . All you do is get on the big auction site and Bobs your uncle , you have a suit . It's not until you assemble it and stick the bucket on your noggin that you realise how wrong it looks . I'm doing what I can to make mine better , AP bucket is on it's way , correct Ab plate buttons , I've made a canvas belt , I'll be filling in the gap between the front and back plates this week , but it's still going to be an FX suit . It'll do untill I can justify ( ie , have the cashy goodness ) purchasing a better suit .

    Unless you know someone who knows someone , or unless you get lucky on evilbay , it's really hard to even find out where to get an AP suit . RT mod is a bit easier , and I haven't gone looking for TE yet .

    I've lost track of where I was going with this , so I'll end up now .

    Dave .

  4. Or a good reason to get AP armour ;)


    I like the way you think ;)


    Mine is cut along the beltline , front and back . I've never worn an uncut suit , so I don't know how different it is , but I can pick my bucket up off the floor . That's about all I could really ask for . Sitting is easily done , but not comfortable . Getting up is much harder ;)

  5. What I have is good enough for me ..... at the moment !!!

    I'm only new to the whole thing , I started off with something that was cheapish and easy to purchase . I can learn with my FX suit , and when I've learnt ( and saved a bit of cash ) , I'll upgrade .

    My bucket , on the other hand , is going to be replaced as soon as is possible . The thing is huge , and makes me look like a white mushroom ;) . Daetrin , thanks for the addy , I've started contact proceedings :).

    Dave .

  6. * appears out of the limbo of hyperspace *

    TK 8351 reporting as ordered . Here are my papers ;)




    It seems that the 501st database doesn't like me :( . My details have been up and down and up and down since the weekend , but I seem to have stabilised . May I suggest that if the link doesn't work the first time , give it half a day and try again ?

    Thank you Sir ,

    Dave .

  7. The FX had it's day in the sun but IMHO given the current pricing/ease of which you can get more accurately proportioned armor, I just can't recommend FX anymore unless that person is over 6' or has extra girth that needs accommodating.


    I've just finished my first TK kit , an FX kit . I have to agree :( . I'm happy with the armour , I'm 5'10' and quite solid . It fits nicely , but the bucket is massive . I'm now looking to get myself something better bucketwise .I've looked everywhere ( ok , I've used google ) , and I can't find anywhere that sells AP or RT mod kits . I don't want to rely on one coming up on the big auction site . Could any of you ladies and gentlemen pm me an e-mail addy or website where these little beauties are available . Eventually I'll replace all of the FX kit , but for now the most important thing is the helmet .

    Thanks in advance ,

    Dave .

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