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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by kman

  1. Just to add fuel to the fire, the last episode of Rebels showed quite a few TKs with pauldrons (and no other extra gear).  Thrawn's troopers also had insignias on their pauldrons which was interesting to see.


    True, but Rebels is a totally different CRL from regular OT TKs.


    I noticed that about the insignias on the pauldrons, though!  That was new!

  2. The nicest thing about FB is the free image hosting (ignoring the fact that they absolutely destroy any semblance of fidelity to the original image).  The worst thing about FB is searching and long time archival of posts and data (go ahead, try to find one of your own posts from a year ago that doesn't come from FB "memories" function!).  And then there's the incredible dependency on a third party's good will to make a home to our (your) content, and zero tech support should anything go crosswise.  And don't get me started on the privacy considerations.


    Of course, FB is a multi-billion dollar organization that makes money off of ads.  FISD is volunteer supported on a shoestring, funded by donations.


    FB has it's place, but in no way should it replace the forums.

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  3. I agree, I think the button color should stay as it has been.  Perhaps make it an optional change, but not required at any level, if you want to acknowledge the existence / possibility?  Given lighting differences, I don't know that it's a sure thing anyway.


    TD should be optional, I'd think, considering it DOES show up sometimes onscreen.  Likely preferred to leave it off, but hey, if someone figures out a way to wear theirs, why not?

  4. I'm just saying...  Rogue One troopers used the T7 shoes with the original style armor.  Different it may be somehow, but the T7 shoes seem much better.


    I agree the R1 stormtroopers used T7 boots, but no, not with original style armor.  The differences between Rogue One armor and the OT armor are many, varied, and substantial.  They're not immediately apparent (especially from a distance), but the differences are vast.




    (hi res here)


    To date, no armor maker (or even solo prop maker) has released a set of true Rogue One armor.  When they do, it's going to be intricate and EXPENSIVE (if sold).  I look forward to seeing it, but I'm not holding my breath.


    Simply putting R1/TFA-style boots on OT armor would be very inaccurate.  Similarly (I'm not really clear what your goal is), putting R1/TFA-style boots on an OT stormtrooper would also be very inaccurate.


    That said, if a Rogue One TK is your goal, efforts are being made to make the armor somewhat attainable, using pieces from various OT armor makers and modifying (often substantially) into a sort of R1 TK armor that will pass at a basic level.  If you're interested in joining in the process, there's a CRL development thread in the Rogue One forum:




    If an OT TK is your goal, don't look at the newer boot styles for approval.  The CRLs are pretty clear, and the original boots are readily available from a number of vendors, so I don't see the OT CRLs being modified to allow the new boot styles for OT troopers.  It's going to be an entirely separate CRL for R1.

  5. As an example of the kind of random question I mean (the bathroom question aside <g>), can you sit down in TK armor?  Sure, I imagine it might be difficult and probably uncomfortable, but can you sit without fear of breaking the armor -- the back of the cod and the front of the butt plate seem thin at the connection points, and I'd be afraid of putting any amount of weight onto that connection.

    To answer the question itself: There are people who do sit. It's not easy, but it can be done. Especially if you split the cod piece in front (a move I do NOT recommend).


    That said, for precisely the reasons you mention, I think it's a really really really bad idea. It's very clearly hard on your armor. And replacing pieces, when even possible (are spare parts available for YOUR armor?), is a lot of unnecessary work.


    When trooping in TK armor, the vast majority of people simply prepare to stand for the duration of the troop.

  6. My boots showed up in CA Feb 3. So that's 25 business days approximately for those interested. <br>

    And, @RynoHawk, even tho yes, I'll be a FO trooper I noticed that all the TK's in Rogue One now are wearing the same T7 boot, so does that mean all the standard TK's can start wearing them too?

    R1 TK and OT TK are entirely different sets of armor, so that would be an incredibly surprising change. I highly doubt that will happen.

  7. I will second the recommendation for Darman.  That said, the Etsy neck seals you posted do look good, also.  Darman's all-cloth seals are likely a bit cooler than synthetic leather.  Whether that's a plus or a minus may depend on your local climate. ;)  The cloth likely lasts a bit longer, too.  (Darman's are known to last an exceptionally long time)  I do like the look of the "leather", however.

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