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About TK-2833

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    Houston, TX

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    Star Garrison

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  1. I'm amused that he isn't from Nigeria. I get a million of these in my spam-box a week. If anyone offers you money to deposit a check for them and then give them part back, it's a scam. Plain and simple.
  2. Something I put in the ESB Beta 2 thread that's sort of gone unnoticed. Hovi Mic-tips? I don't think you should have the faucet tips and be deployable.
  3. Ohs, so you guys know, everyone who personally emailed Bob Eubanks via his website probaly received an apology email from him. I know I did, along with a few other 501st members.
  4. I don't know about you guys and flexibility, but I can sit, kneel, and I could probably lay down in my armor (probably take me a while to get back up though). "Does this grappling hook go with my blaster?" Accessories are nice.
  5. Rebellion! That's it. I wish I could still find my discs for it. Play it on my newer computer, heh.
  6. You know, that's what I'm taking about. I would be 'belt kit trooper' I'd sew up a canvas belt, make a canvas pouch for keys/wallet/etc, wear my O2 canister, comlink, droid caller and a grappling hook. That would be awesome. Stuff for the sake of stuff.
  7. Ha ha! Now I need a left handed holster, to wear on my right hand side...backwards! Woo!
  8. Yes, I concur. If there were to be a small run of these, I would want one to wear in addition to my o2. Why should the Jedi get to wear all the belt candy?
  9. Aw man, what was that really old Star Wars RTS, that most all of the action was space based, and the planetary takeovers via ground troops were automatic? It came out around the same time as Warcraft 2? Whatever the name of that game was, I loved it hardcore. I remember many a night staying up until 3-4 a.m. playing that as a kid.
  10. Good point. I can just mount some of the shoulder strap rings that the original Sterlings had and rig up a little strap and toss it over the shoulder, and detach it for anything that isn't a lengthy troop, and just wear the holster for show.
  11. Here's my question: Even without the counter, how are you supposed to fit an E-11 with the clip into a right handed holster? An no, I can't use a left handed one because I'm going to be ESBed.
  12. Well, for technical sake, the Mara Jade 'Arica' costume is listed as a DZ... Heh. But, more or less, yes, EU Sith Lords.
  13. I started to do this mod to my armor a while ago, and here is what my thoughts on it were. I was going to get some white marine vinyl and cut it to slightly overlap the 'hole' in my backplate. Then take three strips of ABS and rivet it to the sides and bottom of the vinyl and epoxy it inside my backplate, making a pouch with the top open. Then I was going to mount velcro straps up the backplate to where my dickey on my neckseal would start, so I could run the tubing. Inside the helmet, I was going to mount a clip very near to my mouth and attach a bite plate to the end of the tubing to the hydration bag. That way you can just undo the straps and slip the bag out of the backplate for shorter troops or for filling.
  14. You forgot Flagship Eclipse, the EU Detachment. Flagship Eclipse Website
  15. Actually, I just thought of something that should be a part of deployment standards across the board. Hovi-Mix mic tips.
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