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About HawkTrooper

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    Bonn, Germany

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  • 501st Unit
    German Garrison

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  1. The trailer looks really great... can't waut to see the whole thing!
  2. As Mathias mentioned earlier, it is still a Rubies costume. I am no expert for ROTJ armor, but I'm pretty impressed of what you made out of your kit. Absolutely no comparison to the out-of-the-box pictures.
  3. Es besteht noch immer die Möglichkeit, sich Jodhpur oder Chelsea-Stiefeletten aus schwarzem Leder zu bestellen und diese mit Lederfarbe weiß umzufärben - wurde schließlich bei den originalen auch so gemacht. Ist allerdings nicht so dauerhaft wie die weißen TK-Boots und muss ggf. ab und an nachgefärbt werden, ist aber wie gesagt authentisch ;-)
  4. Hi Sebastian, erstmal herzlich willkommen. Natürlich kannst Du auch hier im deutschsprachigen Bereich Fragen stellen; gewisse Englischkenntnisse sind jedoch trotzdem unerlässlich
  5. I recommend to fix the belt with two snaps, attached to the side of the ab plate. I think Billhag had a nice diagram showing the correct positions of the snaps on the ab plate.
  6. Avoid - not because it is from eBay, but it is FX recast armor. I just don't like these kits with seperate parts for vocoder and ear bumps etc. Just does not look right to me.
  7. If I had the choice, I would re-align, according to the picture from RS. The top of the lower ridge should be aligned on both halves. Otherwise, the Knee Ammo Pack might look crooked.
  8. I think the tutorials ---------- are nicely structured...
  9. Mach es, wie Derrek sagt - schreib eine PM an Troopermaster hier im Forum.
  10. When trimming the forearms make sure that you leave a little return edge on the outer side of the elbow and no return edge at the wrist and inner elbow.
  11. I totally agree - but once I started, I was impressed by my own sewing skills. It's fiddly, but once you get the hang out of it it's pretty simple.
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