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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Solcar23

  1. Will do! That sounds like a cheaper alternative, although the styrene sheets .40 are only 5.99. I suppose the For Sale sign is probably .99 cents! Thanks Travis!
  2. Anyone know of any templates on here to construct the bracket for the Hengstler from the Doopys full kit? I've got one on order and would like to get started with the bracket and scope rail while I'm waiting.
  3. What size styrene sheets do i need to make my snap plates? Planning a trip to the hobby store. ;-) Also I'm waiting for an ATA ABS kit to be ready and am not sure if it will come with extra ABS sheets to accomplish both the plates and the finishing strips for the arms and legs. If it does come with enough extra plastic then I won't waste my time and money buying any styrene. Anyone with experience with ATA ABS kits would be helpful.
  4. My final choice is ATA, Im on the wait list and having seen Supertroopers recent post, the anxiousness is increasing!! I know it's getting closer
  5. All great to know! I haven't made the purchase yet so still weighing my options! Thanks everyone for helping so much!!!
  6. Getting more and more psyched here my friends!!
  7. That's awesome! I'm on the waiting list! The wait is killing me!
  8. Thanks for the info! I am already on the waiting list for the next ATA ABS run (please God soon!!!!) so I wasn't really entertaining this one but I can truly dig how ebay isn't the place! I really didn't think styrene was all that durable (considering the fragility of a plastic model). Well anyway, maybe someone will read this thread before bidding on this stuff and it'll save them some trouble!
  9. http://www.ebay.com/itm/300637307504?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_1120wt_1176 Just saw this and thought it didn't look too bad but the price made me wonder what was really going on. It also says its styrene which I haven't seen anyone offer around here...........I'm too green to tell.
  10. Good Luck!! I can't wait for my first troop!
  11. Well, I have been put on the wait list for my ATA ABS kit and my TK boots. I already have my neckseal, undersuit, helmet fans, Aker 1508, and a large order of supplies from Trooperbay (which should be here any day!)! All I need at this point is my Blaster (Vern, you may be hearing from me again!) and strapping supplies (I already have my snap tool and snaps!) I'm on my way!!!! Now it's just the waiting!! Oh the waiting!!!.......
  12. I'm not exactly sure what else you'd need for the Hasbro upgrade kit. I know that (at least it seems) that for the complete resin kit you only need the scope rail. Might want to post that question on the boards. Good Luck!!
  13. The Renaissance and Trik Toys ones say they have a zipper at the bottom for bathroom breaks. It seems most people are just using the two piece under armour stuff, but I'm just feeling out the options. The Renaissance and Trik Toys ones just seem more authentic (especially the Renaissance brand). And when you add up the two piece system it costs nearly the same. I've also seen on threads here to stay away from the non-premium two piece under armour type brands because they don't last and some aren't completely opaque.
  14. I'm debating between the underarmor two piece system but more than likely I'd like to go with the Renaissance Dancewear or Trik Toys undersuits. Does anybody have any experience with these brands so I can get a bit more insight? Thanks!
  15. Ouch! Didn't mean to cause a stir! Just trying to do my best! Please read my PM for details Vern. I'm going to follow through with the previously made decision and go with your build. My word IS something, I'm just changing my mind regularly around here as I'm reading and understanding more (and watching the costs rise!). Sorry Vern, didn't mean to offend! I'll do my own build later. Thanks for your help otherwise.
  16. And that is DoopyDoo's themselves selling those on eBay. I'll still check the site because you never know, but I'd be willing to bet its probably the same.
  17. Yeah, your the second person to say that. Maybe I'll reconsider that choice. Any suggestions?
  18. After more research and questions I think this may be my final list (hopefully!) AND it all stays within my budget! ATA kit with helmet from Terrell TK Boots on backorder waiting list ;-( from: http://www.tkboots.com/ Neckseal, canvas belt, gloves w/white latex guards, Holster kit, Frown screen, Hovi-mic tips, Dave M decals and various supplies (20 magnets, fasteners/washers (for the abs to kidney plate), paint (for the ab buttons/chin), E-6000, Novus polish) all from: http://trooperbay.com/ Doopydoos resin E-11 Blaster kit from: (what kind of scope rail do I still need?) ------- Aker MR 1508 in white from: ---------- I've already purchased one fan kit from TK-4261, Opinions on if I should order another? And I already have a pretty complete modeling shop here but I've taken care of the missing supplies at Menards by getting: hot glue gun, 4 clamps, a metal straight edge ruler, a helmet insert from a hardhat (saw that on the Trooperbay tutorials) and a snaps kit. Do I need velcro and strapping for an ATA kit? I'm feeling pretty complete although I would appreciate any suggestions (especially on a static burst box!).
  19. Hey Vern, I just checked the Trooperbay site and there aren't any standard ANH decals. Which ones do you think would fit? ATA isn't listed in any of them.
  20. Thanks Vern! You're the best! I don't know how I'd get along without you!
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