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Everything posted by TD-3425

  1. Ok need some recommendations here! Got my boots today, and will paint them when I'm done with greaves armor. So I glued the front of the greaves and before I put on the ABS strips in the front to make it more ANH accurate, I put the left one on tonight so I could mark out where to place velcro in the back. Got the bottom section around the boot fine, and closed it up. Grabbed the pencil and then noticed the top front of the greave cracked! I guess this happened from opening the back up so I could fit it around my leg and the boot. It is definitely a stress point and I'm not sure what to do about it. For now, I used some white ABS and put it on top and in the crack. Then I cut out a small piece of ABS and glued that under the return edge. (See attached screenshot) I'll sand and paint this weekend. So "being careful" is of course something I will keep in mind but, what can I do to help stress relief in this area? Or, should my extra ABS on the under side be enough? Definitely worried about this one. What do you all do? You can clearly see where the crack is on the top front of the greave. Thanks for your input.
  2. Speaking of Water, would be great to find a way to implement one of these into the bucket (But using water!) -----------
  3. These are not only great photos, but they also help me on my armor build as well. Nice to see quality photos that can help lead me in the right direction. Great job guys on your troop!
  4. You know, the rice trick works for electronics that you drop in the toilet... wonder about gloves. I have the $4 Home Depot rubber gloves at the moment. Maybe get those large freezer zip lock bags, pour some white rice into the gloves, put them in the zip lock bag and seal. The rice absorbs moisture so maybe that would help. I haven't tried it yet but it's a cheap test.
  5. Oh that makes sense. Well, I guess my kid loses the toy in a month! heh.... Thanks for the quick reply and thanks to all for the updates and picts on this mod here, great job indeed!
  6. I have a question, as a new and upcoming 501st. I read on the 501st that Hasbro guns were not acceptable, even modifications. Is that old news or have they relaxed that? I bought one of these last week at Disneyland for my kid (Who is going as a clone trooper for halloween) but after that I could certainly mod it. Just don't know if it's worth doing if would not be accepted for trooping. If not, I'll do a PVC build first. Thanks! Southern California Garrison Inland Empire
  7. Ordered my AM set today. I am a large guy (6'3", 210lbs) and so AM was definitely the choice for me from all I read. I haven't received my brown box yet, but I highly recommend Mighty Tanks kits, and that recommendation is based solely on my interactions with email and questions. Super professional, to say I was impressed with even just that would be an understatement! I look forward to receiving my armor and getting everything ready! Can't wait! Southern California Garrison
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