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Everything posted by PlayfulWolfCub

  1. And one more post.... Got a screen capture of the cylinders on a Y-Wing targetting computer. This is a png from a 1080 res file. If someone has Blu-Ray they could get an even better image & post it up here See how the bolt threads are longer on this set? There are more great shots of the cylinders from different angles during the Y-Wing attack down the Death Star trench. http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l581/PlayfulWolfCub/E11%20photos/cylindersonY-Wingtargetingcomputer.png
  2. Andy19422's most recent research received this expert opinion about the outer cylinders: The item you sent me a picture of looks like an IF strip of some kind. The capacitors in the tubes neaest the camera look like standard TCC types and are screened by the external shroud. It is therefore unlikely that the components with nuts on the top are capacitors. Logic would suggest if this is indeed an IF strip that they might be tuning inductors. It's just an opinion but it's another auto-search to put into eBay I haven't found anything near enough to the outer cylinders to warrant buying. If someone wanted to commission a run of professionally-made outer cylinders they could contact alibaba.com. They might work out cheaper than my "raw" materials. Maybe wait until I post my "Hyper-accurate Power Cylinders" thread though and people have checked it over for accuracy
  3. Yes, there's no point using their repro E11s as reference for authenticity These are the closest we've found to the central capacitors so far. Andy19422 found them & they're the ones I'm using They're not the "Metalmite" model & they're not "K" rated (which we think may be the military designation) but they are by the same company (TCC) and the dimensions are extremely close - possibly spot on http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220735560903?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  4. I was all ready to fill a 13/32" brass tube with JBWeld & round off the ends by using my drill as a lathe but I chanced upon some 20A "Consumer fuses" in a little hardware store They've got ceramic middles so are incredibly hard to cut - I ended up smashing them & chiselling out the ends with a screwdriver & hammer so they get a bit mis-shapen but they go back into shape once they're on the 3/8" tube because it's such a snug fit. I tried boiling them in water to see if they'd come off easier but they didn't. I've now got a diamond wheel for my dremel so I'll see if that makes the job less messy.
  5. You got a photo you could post or link to, Chris? I've had no luck finding one (I haven't gone through ANH frame by frame yet) though I've found an ANH Y-Wing with a Hengstler behind the pilot though (I'm just going on the photo's label - I haven't studied different cockpits so it might be another vehicle):
  6. Hi guys, I've not had much time for blaster research for a week or so but I've now sourced all the correctly-sized parts for my Cylinder Build :) (Well, I say "all" but ultimately I'll be adding on the electrical components that they left on the back of the cylinders - that's prototype stage 2 though! lol) The nuts & bolts are called 10BA (which I'd never heard of until I started asking around about this project). The end caps are 13/32" (10.318mm) diameter - they need their depth grinding down to 5/32" (3.969mm) but otherwise they're spot on). The brass tube is 3/8" (9.525mm). I think it'd originally have been aluminium but the brass is much cheaper & weighs about the same so is near enough while I'm still in prototype stage. When assembled & viewed from the correct angles with the correct shadows they match up exactly with the MSE droid photos so I'm really pleased (especially that I dont have to hand-sculpt the rounded end of each end cap!!!) I'm looking forward to making them & then posting a full thread about their design & development within the next couple of weeks hopefully. Cheers, Andy
  7. I've never looked at the Y-Wing very closely - will dig out ref books & have a Google. Cheers, Chris I've not posted for a couple of days since my initial flurry of activity but I've not lost enthusiasm for the quest - just got some family stuff to deal with. I've got some very exciting news about Bapty which I'll share in a few days once I've confirmed something! It's very cool!!!
  8. Have you talked to Roy W. Simons on Roy_Simons@compuserve.com He's the guy on the right at the top of the page you just linked to. He joined them in 1943 on their research division. I'd say it's worth a shot as the guy who wrote back to you said he was there in the 70s, over 20 years after our unit would have been made! I have quite a few leads working away in the background too so the search hasn't come to a dead end by a long way. For example, a really friendly & interested guy on UK ebay knows some retired men in their 80s who used to deal in surplus MOD equipment & will have seen everything from WW2 onwards. I think he likes a challenge & he's asked me for loads of photos to show the fellas. I reckon they'll get a kick out of trying to solve the mystery!
  9. In that spirit, here's a photo of my prototype design - I'm afraid it not that easy to make out due to the containment field & strong security surrounding it at this stage! lol
  10. Dude, they certainly don't suck - tidied up & painted they'll look great. I'll be baking high-temperature paint onto mine. What are you thinking of using? Damn! I thought you'd found a pre-fab part I could use for them to save me time! I'll keep posting my design progress so you'll see what I think is 100% screen accurate. That's probably better than commenting on your design. I'm really pleased to see the photos - I love seeing what other people have made & how
  11. Shiny! What did you use for the end caps? & are you inviting comments on how screen-accurate we think they are?
  12. Oo! Thanks Zero I've not tried Blender. I installed Google Sketchup but it didn't have a button saying "Insert 2D file here & press button for 3D conversion! lol I bet Blender doesn't either but I'll see if it looks any quicker Failing that I've got Daz 3D somewhere though I was hoping for something less time consuming.
  13. Does anyone know a software package that'd take an Illustrator file & make it 3D really quickly & easily? Zeroroom uses Illustrator's extrude & bevel 3D facility but I was hoping for something more automatic & that could then spin to show any angle so I can match it up with photos for tweaking. I was going to make this physically today but I work outside & it's been cold, wet & windy - hopefully tomorrow'll be better!
  14. Totally off-topic but a friend just sent me this! lol What an enterprising guy! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/STARWARS-HIRE-/190597137003?pt=UK_ToysGames_ActionFigures_ActionFigures_JN&hash=item2c6079826b
  15. I'm still puzzled by the screencap of Han's blaster. It has the corners off but seems to have a solid middle. It could be a mock-up as you suggest, John, but why would they bother? He & Luke swap E11 variations all the way through the Death Star scenes so clearly no-one was keeping track. I'll leave that one alone for now... Anyway, here's a pic of how the cylinders would look if they avoided any wastage at all cutting the wings. Given how way out it puts the cylinder I'd say they had a little wastage in that section (because the left side of the design, whilst not perfect yet, is fairly close)
  16. Version 1.1: Tweaked to include "screen cans" & slightly less punchout wastage (but in one direction only - this needs tweaking further) There are various things about it that don't sit well "artistically" but I'm not letting myself change them to be more aesthetic because my goal is to have a design congruent with what it was originally & how it was converted i.e. pulled out of rusty surplus gear & chopped up! lol EDIT: More recent version posted
  17. Oh wait... the "screen cans" DO pass through (is that their real name, btw?) I'm pleased about that because I like the curved top but I'm not putting anything into the design unless I've seen evidence to support it.
  18. It might also just be a shadow under them, rather than a cut. I couldn't tear myself away from this so heres's another pic of the underside. It shows the caps passing through a not very triangular-shaped hole &(& possibly soldered in place? I don't think the "screen cans" pass through but it'd be good to have a higher res copy and/or a look a a photo of the underside of one not mounted on a frame. What's a screen can & do you have a pic of a loose compnent? NOW I'm going! lol
  19. I'll explore the idea of extending the "wings" to avoid press wastage. Though the components are in the right place when lined up with different photos so it might be tricky. Still, I believe that shapes do follow the process by which they are manufactured so I'll try to see what I can "jiggle" I've got some other stuff I have to do now so I'll leave you to have thoughts about it & check in later
  20. I know many people put a curve in the top of the backplate. However this screencap of Han's blaster doens't seem to have one. The large cylinder of the valve socket doedn't need to pass through the backplate - just the central connector. If the curve wasn't already part of the radar chassis to accomodate this, I think it unlikely that the proppies will have put one in - they were about speed & effect from a distance
  21. There is (& thanks for reminding me because I need to add it to the template) but I think it's too close to the cap to allow the whole body of the cap to go through - I think there need to be circles cut at the corners of the triangle as well: ***PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A FINISHED WORK - IT'S AN EARLY RELEASE TO AID TALKING TO MARV*** EDIT: Draft v1.0 removed - more recent version posted
  22. I like your template - I started mine hours ago & you been me to it! lol I thought the same about the triangle (great minds & all) but I don't think ther's enough black "trianglular shadow" on any photo to allow all 3 to pass through to the depth they need to be. I've developed that thought into more of a playing card club design of 3 circles punched though touching each other. Tell you what, since you're thinking about this now I'll post my proposed v1 template in unfinished form. It has various errors in it but you'll see where I'm going
  23. Having played with the caps a bit, the wires are quite strong & all 3 are pushed up against each other so I don't think they'll have snapped off due to weakness (you'll see what I mean later today when I post my proposed v1.0 template of the design). I haven't found any photographic evidence that confirms that any of them were removed. I'll quote my earlier post in case you missed it:
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